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Googled it and got:
Wifi Router for Reliance netconnect broadband plus - Noida: Computer Peripherals in Noida at Quikr Noida (move mouse cursor over this for site)

Unsure if this is what you're refering to?

If it is then I don't think you'd need it. A data card connected to any desktop or laptop could be used to provide wireless access without additional equipment if the computer has a wireless (wifi) card.

If this is what you are talking about then google "turn your computer into a wireless access point" or "turn your computer into a wireless AP"

The exact method varies by OS (XP/Vista/Win7/Linux/etc) so just add your OS onto the end of "turn your computer into a wireless access point"to get detailed instructions.

Just be very careful if there is a data cap on your data card, you could easily go over the cap very quickly.

Hope this helps
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Thank you everybody. I needed a suggestion about reliance Netconnect+. As it is a wi-fi router which allows 5 user simultaneously at a time. Isn't it awesome. I can carry it along with me wherever I go. I wanted to know about its features like its speed, battery capacity. I am thinking of getting one as I have regular uploads and downloads of files.
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