well you are going to have to wait for the N1 to come out for verizon,
but by then, there should be more info about the other verizon phones like the "incredible" or the Moto Shadow
and then you are going to want something even faster than the N1,
then the Iphone 4g will pop out of the ground,
and then we are all back to where we started.
all the silliness aside,
if you really think you will stay with the N1 for 2 years, then go for it! but i wouldnt even make a move until the N1 is on verizon. sure your phone will "faster" but it will be useless with out a wifi connection...
im guessing thats why google nav works so well for the droid,
its on verizon and never loses 3g coverage (no offense to other android users)
i wonder how the navigation works on the N1 with the tmobile connection