Bob Maxey
Android Expert
In another thread, someone mentioned food stamps and how using them diminishes a person's pride. I started to answer the poster but thought perhaps this might make a good discussion on its own.
Some of you have little knowledge of the homeless problem. This is a good thing, I should think. I thought I would give you a look at what it is like to be homeless in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Lets discuss pride. Pride can quickly leave the building in short order. Especially if survival is at stake. And we are talking about a group that includes people that dumpster dive, raid garbage cans, ask for change and smoke tossed butts. Pride? You really think using food stamps bothers some people?
Some of you clearly do not live in the system and that is a great thing. But some of you do not realize just how "good" these folks have it, so perhaps I should give you a look at those poor and hapless homeless people.
It is important to know how it really is before you can discuss whatever pride they feel or do not feel.
Incidentally, there are statistics that say most of you are two or three pay checks away from homelessness, so you all best be researching homeless resources now, before they lock your door. Do it before you are fired.
Here in Utah, the homeless have several free places to stay. No rent. They have free coffee and pastry in the AM and free dinner at night. Food like burritos and pizza and beef stew; chocolate milk, brownies and the like. FREE! Line up and get your fill and refills if you want.
Better yet, take more than you need to sell along side the cigarette guy that sells smokes, no taxes, 8 for a dollar. That is $2.50 a pack; a great deal compared to commercially made smokes that are seven or eight bucks. Such a deal.
Go to The Road Home, The Weigand Center, under the local Viaduct, or three or four other places to get everything you need; indeed, more than you can possible use.
Even your dog is given things like little booties, jackets, food and treats.
On Friday, they get free clothes and personal care products. Deodorant, shaving crap, lotions and unguents . . . as much as they want; quite likely more than they can carry.
Some street people have stopped washing their clothes because they can get far more than they need for free, so it is easier to toss a pair of pants in the trash and replace them with new pants for free. None of you wear new clothes for a few days, toss the dirty stuff and then go get more.
At the shelter or any of several other places, everything is free and it is generally high quality stuff. Rent, new clothes, medical care, food, personal care products, showers, cell phones with minutes . . . why should the homeless change; they get for free the same stuff you pay for. You suckers
They might live in a dump with a few crazies confounding their lives and they live a life most of you would never choose, but over time, they become institutionalized. It is far too easy to give up. Sure, an apartment would be nice or perhaps a house, but for many, all they care about is a warm place to stay and food.
It is very easy to become absorbed by a system that requires no money, yet provides more than you could possibly use.
On some days, McDonalds delivers pancakes, eggs, sausage and biscuits. Free, Free, Free. Want more? Ask and they give you seconds. Some nights, it is free pizza from Pizza Hut or homemade pasta and meatballs and beverages. More than you can possibly eat.
The system cares for every need and eventually, many give up. Some leave and move into subsidized housing which is like free rent in a good building. They know where to get all of the free stuff I mentioned, so they are riding the gravy train on biscuit wheels. Some still get food stamps, too.
I know that rent can be just a few hundred per month and because the homeless are smarter than you might think, every possible need is paid for. The net result is without a job, they likely do better than many of you do.
So forget the pride, some say. Look at the best possible deal that includes no payment of state or federal income taxes and every need provided for. Many will gladly trade pride for a great deal.
You all work hard and pay taxes. The homeless have almost everything you have and whatever money they earn, is pure profit. Why should they change?
Whatever embarrassment or loss of pride they feel about using food stamps is gone. You are now given an EBT card and you can shop in local stores and use self-checkout. Nobody will know. And since there are no more phone interviews to renew your food stamps, embarrassment is gone and the cash is there monthly.
Some of you have little knowledge of the homeless problem. This is a good thing, I should think. I thought I would give you a look at what it is like to be homeless in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Lets discuss pride. Pride can quickly leave the building in short order. Especially if survival is at stake. And we are talking about a group that includes people that dumpster dive, raid garbage cans, ask for change and smoke tossed butts. Pride? You really think using food stamps bothers some people?
Some of you clearly do not live in the system and that is a great thing. But some of you do not realize just how "good" these folks have it, so perhaps I should give you a look at those poor and hapless homeless people.
It is important to know how it really is before you can discuss whatever pride they feel or do not feel.
Incidentally, there are statistics that say most of you are two or three pay checks away from homelessness, so you all best be researching homeless resources now, before they lock your door. Do it before you are fired.
Here in Utah, the homeless have several free places to stay. No rent. They have free coffee and pastry in the AM and free dinner at night. Food like burritos and pizza and beef stew; chocolate milk, brownies and the like. FREE! Line up and get your fill and refills if you want.
Better yet, take more than you need to sell along side the cigarette guy that sells smokes, no taxes, 8 for a dollar. That is $2.50 a pack; a great deal compared to commercially made smokes that are seven or eight bucks. Such a deal.
Go to The Road Home, The Weigand Center, under the local Viaduct, or three or four other places to get everything you need; indeed, more than you can possible use.
Even your dog is given things like little booties, jackets, food and treats.
On Friday, they get free clothes and personal care products. Deodorant, shaving crap, lotions and unguents . . . as much as they want; quite likely more than they can carry.
Some street people have stopped washing their clothes because they can get far more than they need for free, so it is easier to toss a pair of pants in the trash and replace them with new pants for free. None of you wear new clothes for a few days, toss the dirty stuff and then go get more.
At the shelter or any of several other places, everything is free and it is generally high quality stuff. Rent, new clothes, medical care, food, personal care products, showers, cell phones with minutes . . . why should the homeless change; they get for free the same stuff you pay for. You suckers
They might live in a dump with a few crazies confounding their lives and they live a life most of you would never choose, but over time, they become institutionalized. It is far too easy to give up. Sure, an apartment would be nice or perhaps a house, but for many, all they care about is a warm place to stay and food.
It is very easy to become absorbed by a system that requires no money, yet provides more than you could possibly use.
On some days, McDonalds delivers pancakes, eggs, sausage and biscuits. Free, Free, Free. Want more? Ask and they give you seconds. Some nights, it is free pizza from Pizza Hut or homemade pasta and meatballs and beverages. More than you can possibly eat.
The system cares for every need and eventually, many give up. Some leave and move into subsidized housing which is like free rent in a good building. They know where to get all of the free stuff I mentioned, so they are riding the gravy train on biscuit wheels. Some still get food stamps, too.
I know that rent can be just a few hundred per month and because the homeless are smarter than you might think, every possible need is paid for. The net result is without a job, they likely do better than many of you do.
So forget the pride, some say. Look at the best possible deal that includes no payment of state or federal income taxes and every need provided for. Many will gladly trade pride for a great deal.
You all work hard and pay taxes. The homeless have almost everything you have and whatever money they earn, is pure profit. Why should they change?
Whatever embarrassment or loss of pride they feel about using food stamps is gone. You are now given an EBT card and you can shop in local stores and use self-checkout. Nobody will know. And since there are no more phone interviews to renew your food stamps, embarrassment is gone and the cash is there monthly.