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How and Why the Note 7 Catches Fire!

Embarassing indeed if the bad batteries were the ones they made themselves (more precisely, one of their many subsidiaries, but to the average person it's all Samsung). And a complete switch suggests that the phone division aren't confident that the battery division have this fixed. Not good.
Don't you love the "...bring more components in-house to improve profit margins."

This is all about corporate greed. They buy out inexpensive operations to manufacture stuff as cheaply as possible.

What's wrong with buying from another Vendor who specializes and responsibly manufactures components to provide safe and quality products.

I feel bad for some of the Samsung Engineers who are probably being forced to work under the gun to meet unreasonable deadlines just so they can beat their competitors to the punch while delivering substandard products. Welcome to the future of carrying something around with you daily that can take your life for the sake of making HUGE profits and having happy shareholders. It's a roll it out and hope for the best mentality!
I don't know the history of their battery division, but Samsung have their fingers in a very large number of pies, from semiconductors to shipbuilding, home entertainment, agricultural machinery, textiles and food processing. Sometimes one division (e.g. electronics, who are the phone makers) use components from others, sometimes they do not.

But one does wonder, given the unusually early Note release and all of the stories that it was pushed forward to get it out before the iPhone, whether some of the testing was cut short in order to meet the deadline. But we can only speculate, and even if that were true it's unlikely that they would ever admit it.

Ironically it also seems likely that this was a year when there was no need to rush to beat the iPhone release. After a long-established cycle of a new design one year, minor refinement the next, it seems like Apple have stuck with pretty much the same design for a third year, just moving the antenna strips a little and removing the headphone jack. I'm looking forward to watching them try to claim that last as a reason to buy the phone, though I'm sure they will try (a lot of guff about how good headphones designed for the lightning connector are, no mention at all of the fact that anyone who wants to make a headphone that works with that connector will have to pay a fee to Apple, and a quick glossing over the crappy little adapter if you want to use your existing headphones with it).
"Say, big fella... is that an iPhone exploding in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

:eek: :D

Apple is lucky that Nestle didn't sue them for manufacturing a similar product - Hot Pockets!
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