Hello to you... if you've read the answers to your thread starter, then you will be safer.
If you meet people in the know here, or at XDA, you can be assured that you can trust the information, as well as the .apk download... ask anyone who uses these, and you will find my assessment to be truthful as well.
If you're a novice, try F-Droid and Github. F-Droid is very trustworthy, but at other sites like AC, Github and others - you can get the SHAFT of BRICKDOM if you aren't careful... especially in apps like Discord, or any virtual box app for PCs.
I got started 'doing the root thing' back in early Gingerbread right here in AF, a DECADE ago. But ever since ICS 4.0, the so-called "TOS" from ops like Google changed. I would get trusted .apk files, and prior to root in a Samsung, for example, I used Odin to get files in; prior to getting TWRP to replace my phone's bootloader, that is... and brother, I bricked phones many times. Many times. But...
Chat up MoodyBlues,
@ocnbrze or Revenant Ghost - as most of us are great traffic cops - and you will see that wherever we tell you to go and get good files... you will be safe (if you follow directions EXACTLY). Rave on with your Android, & be careful out there with Bat Corona -