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How can I use my Android Phones to remember more than 200 Paired Bluetooth devices?


Ankit Mehta

• Our In house app communicates with Bluetooth device (In house) via an Android Phone.
• We require a device (Android) to store pairing information for more than 200 devices (Bluetooth)
• Currently, we are losing the pairing information in our devices (Android) after more than 100 devices are paired.
* The paired device name is not lost but it asks for re-pairing.
* If we cancel the pairing request, the Bluetooth device un–pairs with Android (device).
• We have conducted the same test with various Android devices and the same issue happens.
• We have googled various forums and observed that there is practically no limit for Bluetooth devices to be paired.
* We need your help to solve the issue so that our device can remember pairing information for more than 200 devices.
• If any custom app could be developed to persistently store pairing info locally, outside Android default file system and further to be read from there while connecting the device.

Please guide us on relevant APIs, permission sets required if any.
* We need your help to solve the issue so that our device can remember pairing information for more than 200 devices.
This is a pretty unusual need--which I suspect is why no one's offered any help. But I didn't want you to feel ignored! :)
• If any custom app could be developed to persistently store pairing info locally, outside Android default file system and further to be read from there while connecting the device.

Please guide us on relevant APIs, permission sets required if any.
You might have better luck by posting on our Android Development board.

But check back here, too, in case someone comes along with a solution.
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