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Help How do I disable 4X daily annoying Amazon update prompts?

Jul 29, 2011
Hi All,

I did the updates to my Note 4 and it's fantastic other than now literally 3 or 4x daily I get a notification that I can update Amazon. It's their free app campaign. I looked in settings, etc and am clueless... I'm also not the most phone savvy guy truth be told. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!!
You can change the notification settings in the AMAZON APPSTORE for ANDROID App:
1) Open the app
2) Tap the 3-bar Icon in the upper left-hand corner (next to the a Appstore)
3) Scroll down to ABOUT > Settings & tap on Settings
4) Scroll down to Notifications,tap on Notifications & set as desired.
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You can change the notification settings in the AMAZON APPSTORE for ANDROID App:
1) Open the app
2) Tap the 3-bar Icon in the upper left-hand corner (next to the a Appstore)
3) Scroll down to ABOUT > Settings & tap on Settings
4) Scroll down to Notifications,tap on Notifications & set as desired.
Thanks for the reply. I've done all that and turned off every notification button, but it persists. I don't think it's Amazon so much as the app on the phone since I did the updates. Any clue how to disable it from doing so without dumping the app?
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Thanks for the reply. I've done all that and turned off every notification button, but it persists. I don't think it's Amazon so much as the app on the phone since I did the updates. Any clue how to disable it from doing so without dumping the app?

I no longer have the NOTE4 & not sure about the settings,especially on Lollipop,but,if you check the phones settings,there may be an area called NOTIFICATIONS & you may be able to control each apps notifications permissions/settings from there.
Hopefully others will chime-in on the subject.
Please keep us posted on your progress.:thumbsupdroid:
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