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Help How do I get rid of Bloat Apps?!?


Sep 10, 2014
I'm extremely frustrated. Everyone knows of all the pain in the butt pre-downloaded apps forced apps that come with the phone. These stupid things are always on and working and draining the battery. I can barely play a game app without my battery dying in under an hour. I've read that there are ways to get rid of them. Question is - HOW?!? I don't want these stupid battery killing apps. Please help!!!
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Settings > Applications > All > (preloaded bloat app) > Disable ... never see or hear from it again. :thumbsupdroid:

FYI they're not always working and draining the battery. What games are you actually playing, because there are some, especially 3D FPS type things that will drain the battery heavily What phone have you got, make, model, and was is supplied by a carrier, if so who? Because some carriers are notorious for bloat, on their customized and subsidized phones.
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@mikedt Heh...this is why I shouldn't type when it's bedtime. I forget the important stuff.Samsung Galaxy S4 Is the phone and Virgin Mobile Canada is my carrier. I just don't know if both the US and Canadian carriers are the same.I don't play anything extensive. A card game, board game I'm addicted to called Life, Majong, and I might look into a couple of others. I do use the Puffin browser as it has Flash. I tried buying this app to shut all active and open apps down, but although it said it shut them down, when I went into my downloaded apps the ones that I didn't force stop manually prior to using the app were still active and running. I don't have a clue about the bloat ware. I just wish there was a way to really extend my battery life. I've tried even downloading a few apps to help with that, too, but I still don't see much, if any, improvement.
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