I am starting to regret my purchase of the Samsung Moment, I dont know if its with the Lacking OS of 1.5 as I see 2.0 on the website the interface is different with the phonebook, the way the screen looks. I still have yet to figure out how really this phone is the "same" or compares to the IPhone ... in simple ways of application use, I still see my friends on their I Phones talking to millions of people with in a 5 mile range to a 100 mile range on all these social applications.With also that in talk of Applications why is it when i try to get a NEW! or POPULAR! application I have the wrong OS I am starting to think I should of held out for the Nexus unlocked cause I think that is the only one you can get that does everything. I was really hoping for a socialized phone not a traveling phone. I will say it is handy ,when you go into the store to compare prices or when you go on a long trip finding restaurants,gas stations and such but the I phone helps everyone connect and thats what I really would like to see a SOCIAL app for ALL android USERS together!