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How many apps are installed

I have about 180 , I use probly about 20 of them, maps tweetcaster and tap a talk and wonder map weather are the main ones that I use
I had close to 600 installed on my Droid X when I bought my Galaxy S3, lol! Probably only used a handful of them on a regular basis though, just went nuts downloading stuff! Going to go a little easier on my GS3, I think. Only have about 60 on it right now. Although I do like having a wide range of apps on my phone, even if I rarely use them, it's nice to know they are there if I need one out of the blue.
i have about 400 in tb. and can restore at any time with data or just app, that i need, or want to use one. the same thing just went nuts downloading every or anything because i could.
Damn lol that's a lot. A lot. I like to keep my apps minimum.

I don't, I want my smartphone to be the Swiss Army Knife of apps, lol! I figured it has plenty of memory, lets use it! Had lots of apps that did the same thing though, installed several to try them out and see which I liked better, then forget to uninstal the others, then when I wanted one of the apps, I can never remember which on os the good one! So I'm still going to have plenty on my GS3, but not nearly as many as before!
According to my signature (see down there V) I've got 140. But that's not correct.
My favorite is one that's not on the list. The News and Weather app called GenieWidget that came on the Droid X. Sideloading it was one of the 1st things I did with my SIII.
I also really like the radar in Weatherbug.
I use C:Geo for spontaneous geocaching sometimes.
I like Parcels to track orders I've placed online.
I recently bought TuneIn Radio Pro. I'm liking it too.
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