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Apps How should I code this?


I want to implement this “Block” so that it reflects information from a database.

When the user scrolls down it must repeat, so that the data per “Person” in the database can be reflected onto one single block.

How can I make it that the block repeats itself?
- If you have any resrouces for me to read on this topic please link them below. I am NOT asking for you to write my code. I am just asking for tips on how to do this the most efficient way.
- Can I group the design of this "block" into a block so that when there are more records that it will take this block and put the data on the "block".


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    Panel X W-O Social Media Buttons – 5.png
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I'd create a timer that repeats every second and polls the database for changes. This is chatty as heck but hey data being selected is what a database does best. Google android timer repeat and external database. You may have to use PHP to help poll the database. I haven't worked with Android databases for a while. From what I've heard and yet to read is that There is a new way to poll an external database in the latest SDK. a few years ago I would use volley to execute a PHP script that would then query the database and echo back the data as a JSON object.
That's the way I'm doing it right now - I use volley to ping the database URL every 10 seconds, and update the local SQLite DB, then trigger an update of the list.

For the repeating action, try postDelayed:

// class vars
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();

// function
private void loadDB() {
    mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    }, 10000); // milliseconds until run

The problem I'm currently having is that this continues even after I move to another activity - I don't yet know the solution to that, was working on it while reading this.
Timers are next to impossible to shut off I create a setter and a getter with the string 'lock_this_code' in my global class file then wrap the code I want to shut off with an if statement.
Actually, I managed to find a way to do that, too, not long after my first reply:

public void onDestroy() {
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