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how the heck does Wiki Notes work?


I downloaded and installed Wiki Notes but can't make head or tail of it. For clarity: The app I've got is named "Wiki Notes" (with a space in the middle there). I keep seeing people refer to something called "WikiNotes" (without a space) and I wonder if they're the same app or not.

Wiki Notes (with a space, the one I've got) so far makes no sense. I can't create a new note. There's something called a Top Note. I can edit it. And that's as far as I can get. No new note button, no delete note button, nuthin. I am completely stumped.

I've read that there's something really cool going on here. But I am stumped.

Thanks in advance.

OK, a hint in the Market comments gave me the answer, which I provide here for the benefit of others who might scratch their heads about this.

In the Top Note, type a little bit - and then type the name of something that you would like to be another, different note. But you have to type it like this: MySecondNote, in programmer's or "camelback" capitalization. When you do that, Wiki Notes assumes that you mean this to be a link to a new note. To create the new note, you click on the link.

You can also type a web url, either the full url (http://www.google.com) or just a shorthand url (google.com), and when you tap Menu > Confirm, Wiki Notes recognizes valid url and turns them into links, too.

So now I know how to use it. If anybody wants to tell me what the point is, I'd be grateful to hear that, too. I mean, what would you use this for? And is the Top Note supposed to be like a table of contents rather than an actual note itself?
I suppose you could create a Top Note, with the words FamilyNotes FriendsNotes BusinessNotes... then, click on one of those, and under FamilyNotes, you could create WifeNote, GirlFriendNote, DaughterNote, then, under, say, GirlFriendNote, you would have notes about your girlfriend, etc.

haven't downloaded it, so not sure how useful it would be.

Sounds like folders, in a way...
It is pretty neat as a linked notetaking app. Anyone used to playing around with things like tiddlywiki will find it useful.

My only concern is that there seems no way of exporting notes or saving in any way, so I'm reluctant to use it fully. Maybe this'll come in a future release?
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