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How To Change Manual Save Point to microSD?

Hey, I'm new to Android Forums, and I own an old quad-core 4.4.2 tablet. I factory resented once already due to the -24 bug, but now I have a different problem. I installed a gigantic app that has taken up almost a gigabyte of space now, and my built in space is a bare 2 gigs. Now, I can only contain 5 apps on my Android because I can't install anything or do certain things on my Android because of zero space. My microSD, on the other hand, is 16 gigs and BARELY used, (at about 15.75 gigs now) and I want to make it my main save point. I already fiddled around with the settings, and all I found was a way to copy apps onto the SD card. That's sorta helpful, but I would like to just be free and run wild without having to convert every time, and maybe sometime I will have maximum space and not be able to install anything. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I will hack my tablet if I have to.
You'll definitely have to "Root" your tablet. KitKat removed allowing apps to be installed to your SD card. There should be instructions on how to do that in your tablets forum here. After that I'm pretty sure you'll have to load a custom ROM which allows installing apps to the SD card. I say pretty sure because I'm not into custom ROMs myself.

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