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Help How to free up internal memory on Galaxy J5

I have a Samsung Galaxy J5 with 16GB internal memory and 32GB SD card.
I moved as many apps as I could to the external memory.
However, mt internal memory is always used up to at least 15GB, and as soon as it reaches 15.5GB (which is every few days) it starts warning me of dangerously low space.
Even if I move all pics, videos, etc to external it still does not free up more than 0.5GB.
What do I need to do to get the maximum free space on internal memory?
Look at what is actually using your space. Unless you know what the problem is you can only guess at the answer. The system menus can be limited or unhelpful when doing this, so consider a third party app such as DiskUsage to get more detailed information. If you can view your apps sorted by size that will also help.

Apps that store a lot of data can be a problem. Some can store vast amounts of temporary files (caches), especially browsers and social networking apps. You can free space by clearing their caches, but when you use them they will start to refill. Uninstall or disable apps you don't need. Clear up any folders left behind by apps you have removed.

But that's just general, generic advice. Unless we know what's using the space it's impossible to give a very useful answer, and of course once you can see what is using the space you will know what to do anyway.

What I will say is that 16GB is barely an acceptable minimum for a light user these days (once you take out space used by the system that's more like 10GB available to you). So when you next upgrade your phone make sure you have more space. SD space is only a partial substitute, as there's a lot of stuff can't go there, so don't let some sales person tell you that you will be OK if you have an SD slot.
I'd be cautious about choosing such an app though. SD Maid is ok, though when using it you should think about which of its suggestions you actually want to clear: it's a powerful app, and you know what Spiderman's Uncle Ben said about great power...

But a lot of these "system cleaner" apps contain actively undesirable features: task killing/ram cleaning (different names for the same thing) which are not only not needed since about Android 2 but are often actively counter-productive. And of course some of these come from companies whose business model is to steal data from your phone and sell it to whoever will pay (Cheetah Mobile are thost infamous, but far from the only guilty parties).
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