Hi everyone, I've just started learning android development and while I haven't run into any major road blocks yet, this is really bugging me.
When I run my app it only takes up part of the emulator's screen.
I've attached a screen shot of my app which currently contains 2 buttons, the second one has a width of 480px (which is the width of the emulator screen) and a height of fill_parent (which should make it take up the entire screen vertically as well).
I has to scale down and rotate the screen shot when I uploaded it but it still shows what I mean. Does anyone know why it wouldn't be full screen be default?
When I run my app it only takes up part of the emulator's screen.
I've attached a screen shot of my app which currently contains 2 buttons, the second one has a width of 480px (which is the width of the emulator screen) and a height of fill_parent (which should make it take up the entire screen vertically as well).
I has to scale down and rotate the screen shot when I uploaded it but it still shows what I mean. Does anyone know why it wouldn't be full screen be default?