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Help How To Remove Facebook Entirely


I have a Samsung Galaxy S3. For years I was a very active Facebook surfer. One day I made a comment on a "Mom's Demand Action" Anti-Gun group post saying that I had thought their "ISIS Brothers must be proud of their relentless efforts to disarm the country." The next day I was banished from Facebook on a technicality. If you read the fine print in your User Agreement you will see you are not allowed to use an Alias or nick name which I had been using for years. Most people do not know my birth name so why would I use that? So they tell me that If I would change my Facebook profile to my given birth name then they might let me back online but I would have to send in some form of official ID, government etc... with a picture etc... At that point I decided I wanted nothing further to do with Zuckerchouche's Social Media Nazi Empire and I never looked back. Which brings me to the point. Now you know why I have nothing to do with Facebook. However, the problem being, that I can not get it off this phone. Even though it has been removed. I am still getting error messages telling me "Facebook session expired." "Log in again." yes it expired over a year ago when I removed the app from my phone. Why am I getting these messages. You clear the message and it comes right back. Also Note: that when I go into "Settings" and then "Accounts" it shows a line item for "Sync apps with Facebook" and it shows no way to remove it. I have no idea why it is even on there. I do not have any facebook apps (for reasons previously mentioned) so how can I make Zuckerdouche go away?
Since you have a Samsung, download "Package Disabler" and that will get rid of the app for you.
it won't remove it from the phone, but it will stop it from showing up.
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