Paulius1 Newbie Jul 25, 2016 #1 Is there a way to disable Video Call option throughout the system in Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Adnroid Marshmallow? Attachments 20160725_113901.jpg 71.1 KB · Views: 386
Is there a way to disable Video Call option throughout the system in Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Adnroid Marshmallow?
peter7769 Android Enthusiast Jul 25, 2016 #2 Snakeyeskm said: This will depend on your carrier, but try the following: – Settings/Mobile networks/Mobile data/Video call (turn off) Click to expand... Those menu settings don't exist?
Snakeyeskm said: This will depend on your carrier, but try the following: – Settings/Mobile networks/Mobile data/Video call (turn off) Click to expand... Those menu settings don't exist?
Paulius1 Newbie Jul 25, 2016 #3 My phone was purchased new from my carrier - Omnitel, Lithuania, and no Snakeyeskm, that menu option is missing in my SGS7 Edge. Talked with my carrier Omnitel, they have no idea.
My phone was purchased new from my carrier - Omnitel, Lithuania, and no Snakeyeskm, that menu option is missing in my SGS7 Edge. Talked with my carrier Omnitel, they have no idea.
F freakshow85 Android Enthusiast Jul 26, 2016 #4 Open your phone app. The default dialer. At the top-right, select "more". Choose "settings" About half way down the settings page, on my phone, I have the option to disable "AT&T Video Call".
Open your phone app. The default dialer. At the top-right, select "more". Choose "settings" About half way down the settings page, on my phone, I have the option to disable "AT&T Video Call".