Dude everyone here know how much you paid for it... Who here is going to trade you a 300 dollar phone for a 99 dollar touchpad? At least offer cash on top. jeez..
Look ..if you want to make an offer, than do so. But don't come on here acting like a "Thread Perp" If you don't have what I'm asking for or don't like my thread, cool...keep looking through the other hundreds and hundreds of threads around the internet.
And just so you're aware, the value of the Evo 3D AND the Nexus S 4G has went down tremendously. Evo 3D's are selling for well under $300 while NS4G's are selling for between $190 and $220. And since I've been getting offers both online as well as locally for my Touchpad between the amounts of $200 and $250...I figure that'll be an even trade. However of course for the Evo 3D, I'd add cash. But again, that's up to me and the other person, not you.
Which brings me to this, I don't care how much money I paid for a device, I can can sell it for whatever I want. If I wanted to sale the thing for $300, I could. Who would stop me. Will somebody buy it...maybe? Would I care or would it bother me if it don't sale, absolutely not.
When certain high end phones come out and people buy them for $200 or more then offer to sell sell them for more than that, do you post on their threads as well with crazy remarks? Probably not, because you're the one making offers to buy the phone or better yet you're the one selling it.