Android Question
I have a HTC Desire X. I got it nearly a month ago from a relative and it was used about 2 months only for calling, texting and some accasional apps, like flashlight. When i got it, it was running ICS 4.0 and everything was working smooth. But then i got a notification saying i can update to JB. I did the update thinking it would make my phone better, but then i notified a bug that when music is playing on phone speakers it switches volume loudness and also i couldn't connect my phone via USB using storage option. But the speed of my phone was good. I googled it then and saw a thread about Desire X problems after Jelly Bean updates, from your forums. Then i did like someone said in the thread about the USB connection, downloaded the new sync manager and WMP11 which was needed, and connecting my phone to PC was possible normally. And also someone there said that all these bugs can be fixed by doing a factory reset. I did it once, then another time, but the volume bug is there nonetheless. But thats not the biggest problem - my phone now is slower, some apps are slower and randomly shuts down. It's also more laggy. Google Play store also shuts down randomly, for example, when downloading files larger than 50MB. When i installed skype after factory reset and hit write message and the keypad appeared some buttons went transparent for few seconds.
Shortly - My phone is laggier, slower and got little bugs and its very annoying. It all hapenned after factory reset. And also i think the touch screen is less responsive, but that could be just me.
So can I and if yes, then how make my phone now work at speed and without bugs like it did with ICS or atleast with the JB update, cause the slowness and little and annoying bugs started after factory reset.
Android version - 4.1.1
HTC Sense - HTC 4+
Software number - 2.20.401.5
Thanks, hope someone will help me. Im not very knowing in Android.
Shortly - My phone is laggier, slower and got little bugs and its very annoying. It all hapenned after factory reset. And also i think the touch screen is less responsive, but that could be just me.
So can I and if yes, then how make my phone now work at speed and without bugs like it did with ICS or atleast with the JB update, cause the slowness and little and annoying bugs started after factory reset.
Android version - 4.1.1
HTC Sense - HTC 4+
Software number - 2.20.401.5
Thanks, hope someone will help me. Im not very knowing in Android.