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HTC Dream Dying, dead, rogers won't help, HTC says they can't help


I've had a buncha problems with my HTC dream in the 8 months I've had it, although I still love it. But I've come to an inpass with it being oh so stubborn tonight. I'm going to start by listing the problems I've had, or atleast the recurring ones.

Infinite loop of reboots, from the HTC screen
-- happened many times, have to pull the battery to turn it off. When it first occurred I had to take it in to beyond wireless so they could reformat it, it's since occurred multiple times since, and I've had to have it reformatted twice. It has happened where simply pulling the battery out would make it boot without the loop, but only once post-911 patch, but the whole problem has been recurring since I've gotten the phone.

Some android basic apps not working
-- apps like market, maps, gallery, camera, contacts etc... opening and then giving a .google.apps or some sort of error and having to force close. Was not fixed with rebooting, or returning to system defaults, had to bring it into beyond wireless to have the reformat it. This problem has also come and gone, haven't had it since 911 patch though, which is good.

The phone dying
-- Sometimes when I put the phone in sleep mode it won't come out of sleep mode, thus dying. No matter which buttons I press it won't let me do anything with it. Have to pull the battery to temporarily fix the problem. This one has mostly only been since the 911 patch, and has occurred as many as 10-12 times in one day. Sorta gets annoying after the 2nd or third time in one day.

Staying at the Rogers boot screen
-- This one is new, and has only happened to me once, tonight, and it's rendered my phone completely useless. This is the problem I'm in dire need of a solution for, and any help would be greatly appreciated. --EDIT-- got it in recovery mode( holding down home while booting ) and did a factory reset, which got it to boot atleast. --

Now since these problems I've, like I mentioned before, brought my phone into beyond wireless, called rogers tech help and even HTC tech help, both of which being transfered all over the place and getting nowhere. Rogers says they won't replace my phone and tell me to call HTC to get them to fix it. When I called HTC they promptly told me that they had a contract with Rogers in which rogers was responsible for repairs and such and thus couldn't help me.
So what I'd like to know is, what are my options, is there any solution to my problems or my stuck with getting a new phone?

Any help or time is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

--Update-- Got a new problem and an old that have come back

When making phone calls, the person on the other end of the line constantly gets these loud beep'n noises, I'm not pushing any buttons or anything, it's just a loud beeping.
Also I can queue apps to download from market, but they don't, it just shows the downloading bar( in the downloaded apps section of the market menu not the notification menu ) on 2G only or 3G, same problem rebooted the phone with no fix, went somewhere with 4bars reception, no dice.

Gonna factory wipe from recovery mode once again and see what happens

--Talked to someone with rogers on their online tech help, their sending me a new phone in the mail although they want my old one back =[ better then being stuck with a dead phone though
If your phone is still under warranty (one year, I believe), I would press the Rogers tech and CSR to do something about your phone.

You can also try to contact RogersMary here or on Twitter. Maybe she can help you with this.

Best of luck.

Nicolas Racine
I've already called rogers a few times and they keep saying they can't help me, won't replace and can't fix my phone.
Isn't there a one year warranty? If so then why won't they honour it? Is it the same contract phone you started with 8 months ago?

This is just another reason why I don't do contracts. I'd rather pay cash and do whatever I want with the device. Given that, if you don't get any satisfaction then I'd be on the hunt for a root and self update which might improve things. Not sure about the Dream but the Magic is now rootable again. The other option is to buy one on the street for cheap and root it.
Isn't there a one year warranty? If so then why won't they honour it? Is it the same contract phone you started with 8 months ago?

This is just another reason why I don't do contracts. I'd rather pay cash and do whatever I want with the device. Given that, if you don't get any satisfaction then I'd be on the hunt for a root and self update which might improve things. Not sure about the Dream but the Magic is now rootable again. The other option is to buy one on the street for cheap and root it.

I've no idea, I'm talking to a rogers rep with their online service right now, and I sent a PM to rogersMary in hopes something gets done but no clue what's gonna happen =/
Glad to hear they're replacing it.

BTW, it turns out you can re-install updates, even if they're the same version. I did that to my Dream, and it partially stabilized.

However, I am still heckling HTC to issue another update. Mary's still on the prowl to get clarification after they told me of another update.
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