Hey everyone, i am trying to sell my Evo 4g for sprint. It is not rooted and has a clean Esn. It has a Zagg shield on it, and one minor scratch on the corner. It is black and has a silicone case on it as well as the shield. I will be selling it without the box, becuase it cant be located right now at the moment. Reason i am selling it? I am moving in with my fiance,(just recently engaged!!!) and need the money for the rent and security deposit. I am trying to sell it on here before i list on ebay becuase i trust the forum community more. It will come with everything i have listed and the wall charger. If your interested let me know.
I would also be willing to trade, dont know what for but if you got an offer let me know
I would also be willing to trade, dont know what for but if you got an offer let me know