I've got a Best Buy story/tip for you all to get the Hero, etc. for cheaper. Was going to start a new thread but saw this one.
My Sprint contract was coming up in Nov. so I had been researching the Hero pretty heavily. So I went in to BB to officially feel one up before committing. To complicate things I was also looking to get a Blackberry Tour for my wife.
So after playing with the Hero and deciding that was the phone I wanted I started talking prices. $179 for the Hero - of course no mail in rebate compared to the Sprint store/online - and $150 for the Tour plus the 2 year extension. Rack pricing but not too outrageous. I told the guy I was waiting on a call back from my Corporate Sprint Rep to see if they had a better deal going, which they sometimes do. He immediately said that he would price match their offer. So I cruised around the store waiting on the Sprint rep to call me back. When she never did I went back to the Best Buy guy and told him I would have to come back after I talked to the Sprint girl. He then said "How about $149 for the Hero and $49 for the Tour?". I tried not to go for the debit card too quickly so he wouldn't rethink his offer but I told him to ring me up. Not sure how he pulled it off but I think he may have used the 'price match' caveat without there actually being a price to match. Or maybe Best Buy reps can wheel and deal and make lower offers? No idea, but if you hit up Best Buy at least try and talk them down or make then think you are going to call Sprint cancellation group to check on pricing first.
Hope this helps someone.