I am furious with both phones for being so flimsy. I was very spoiled by my Droid1 and Droid2. I hate the idea of spending $600+ on a phone and then turning around and needing a case. I dropped my Droids several times on concrete (I'm clumsy.) I doubt these two would survive inside my purse.
That being said, I bought the Nexus. I like sense and the fact that the Resound has an SD slot but having the latest version of Android right away is really nice. HTC phones are usually harder to root and very late getting updates. Sense looks great but I don't like how hard it used to be to used different skins/launchers.
The thing is: while people complain about the Nexus' signal strength, I don't have that problem. When I run the Speedtest.net app the results are satisfactory and that is all I care about. What is unacceptable is the fact that it drops the data connection and I have to reboot to get it back. I will not keep this phone if that isn't resolved before the end of my trial.