Got these from the HTML5 test. I also added some of my own:
Score out of 400. These are compatibility tests.
Google Chromium 11 = 293
Google Chrome 10 = 288
Firefox 4.0 = 251
Firefox 3.6 = 155
Safari 5.0.3 = 228 (I tested 5.0.4 and got no change)
Internet Explorer 9 = 130
Internet Explorer 8 = 32
Internet Explorer 7 = 17
Mobile browsers
Firefox 4.0 on Android = 235 (my own score)
Opera Mobile 11 on Android = 234 (my own score)
Opera Mini 6 on Android = 35 (my own score)
Native Android Webkit (OS 2.3) = 182 (2.2 no different)
Safari Webkit iOS 4.2 = 206 (4.3 no different)
Blackberry 6 native = 233
My conclusions. The best HTML5 mobile browser is a down to the wire race between mobile Firefox 4, which is available in Android and Maemo, and Opera Mobile 11, available on Android and Symbian.
Surprisingly, the best HTML5 native mobile browser is Blackberry 6. This doesn't mean faster Javascript execution times, and those phones need GHz chips with superscalar cores. It just means it scores better on compatibility.
Best HTML5 browser period remains Google's Chrome, but there is a wide gap between Chrome and the Android Webkit. Google needs to work on that gap.
There is also a gap between Apple's desktop and mobile Safaris.
It does not bode good for Windows Phone 7 native browser, which is based on IE7. Mango update wherever, whenever it comes doesn't look that good for HTML5 compatibility, looking at IE9's score.
Score out of 400. These are compatibility tests.
Google Chromium 11 = 293
Google Chrome 10 = 288
Firefox 4.0 = 251
Firefox 3.6 = 155
Safari 5.0.3 = 228 (I tested 5.0.4 and got no change)
Internet Explorer 9 = 130
Internet Explorer 8 = 32
Internet Explorer 7 = 17
Mobile browsers
Firefox 4.0 on Android = 235 (my own score)
Opera Mobile 11 on Android = 234 (my own score)
Opera Mini 6 on Android = 35 (my own score)
Native Android Webkit (OS 2.3) = 182 (2.2 no different)
Safari Webkit iOS 4.2 = 206 (4.3 no different)
Blackberry 6 native = 233
My conclusions. The best HTML5 mobile browser is a down to the wire race between mobile Firefox 4, which is available in Android and Maemo, and Opera Mobile 11, available on Android and Symbian.
Surprisingly, the best HTML5 native mobile browser is Blackberry 6. This doesn't mean faster Javascript execution times, and those phones need GHz chips with superscalar cores. It just means it scores better on compatibility.
Best HTML5 browser period remains Google's Chrome, but there is a wide gap between Chrome and the Android Webkit. Google needs to work on that gap.
There is also a gap between Apple's desktop and mobile Safaris.
It does not bode good for Windows Phone 7 native browser, which is based on IE7. Mango update wherever, whenever it comes doesn't look that good for HTML5 compatibility, looking at IE9's score.