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Apps i have an app idea what do i do

so about a week ago I was sitting at home thinking about what to eat for dinner, and I came up with what I think is a really great app idea. right away iIthought WOW I realy wish i had any means what so ever of creating an app, I could really make some money of off this. But frankly I have no computer programing skills what so ever and dont really know any one who does, accept one friend how took a year of computer science classes in college. So I thought well so much for that idea. But lately i've been thinking, Would i be completly out of my mind if i tried to copy right my idea and try to sell it to a app devoloping company or even an i phone app company. is this just a fantasy or could this really work?
1. You can't "copyright" an idea. U.S. Copyright Office - What Does Copyright Protect? (FAQ)
2. You technically shouldn't be allowed to patent an idea either: Can Ideas Be Protected or Patented? | IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Patent Law
3. However, software patents are essentially patents on ideas, but everyone knows they are complete bullshit, and will hopefully soon be struck down in court: Bilski ruling: a victory on the path to ending software patents — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software
4. Not to be a negative Nancy, but someone else has probably already thought of it, and if it's a good idea they probably patented it and are waiting for someone else to implement it so they can sue the pants off them.
Your best bet is to PM me the amazing idea and I'll make it and give you a free copy :)
As of today, you no longer need any programming skill to create Android apps: App Inventor for Android

Get started!

Hello, im new in the forum..

I watched that "App Inventor in Action" video and was wondering sth. After the woman connects the phone, she adds kitty.jpg, does the pic load on the phone imediately or do we have to install it manually?

same thing after she adds the button... packaging and downloading it for the phone is ok but does everything appears on the phone as it looks on the video?
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