I'm a long time Palm user (way back to the Pilot), but I switched to the Eris. Now I need to replace some of my old Palm apps with Adroid equals.
>Phone Application replacement. I'll look at any. I'll also settle for a way to just have the default launch with the dialpad closed.
>Outliner. Not a checklist. I need indent and line up down. Similar to ThoughtManager (if anyone is familar with this Palm app).
>A button remapper. Specifically to remap the find button to launch my Outliner when I find it.
>NKJV Bible.
>Backup program. Something simple that will back up everything on the Eris so it can reinstall everything after a factory reset.
I know about searching. I have. The returned info is massive. I'm posting for help here and on a couple other sites to try and narrow it down.
>Phone Application replacement. I'll look at any. I'll also settle for a way to just have the default launch with the dialpad closed.
>Outliner. Not a checklist. I need indent and line up down. Similar to ThoughtManager (if anyone is familar with this Palm app).
>A button remapper. Specifically to remap the find button to launch my Outliner when I find it.
>NKJV Bible.
>Backup program. Something simple that will back up everything on the Eris so it can reinstall everything after a factory reset.
I know about searching. I have. The returned info is massive. I'm posting for help here and on a couple other sites to try and narrow it down.