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Help I just got a notification


Android Expert
I just received a notification supposedly from Google saying "Uninstall harmful app". I've never seen this before and I don't know if it's specific to the HTC 10 or if it's real. Any help is appreciated. I downloaded the app from Google, but now I can't find it. Very strange.
If you d/L it from Google Play & it's no longer available, I'd heed the warning & ditch it.
Sometimes Google can be quite WTF/arbitrary with taking down apps, but, to take down a font package, they probably had a good reason:
My guess is some sort of infringement, or, undesirable links/content in the app.

If you're really curious, contact Google & see if they'll give you a straight answer....
Thanks for the advice. I've never seen something like that from Google. That's what bothered me. As far as asking Google; I haven't had much luck contacting them. So far they have responded to 0% of my questions. They have even deleted my reviews of their Android System Web View app when I had warned that it was causing problems. When I stopped the critisizm, they stopped deleting.
Thanks guys. I removed it. I've still never heard of Google sending out notices like that or caring about what happens to the little guy.
You really mean IOS can get into your IPhone and remove an app without you giving permission or knowing?
I don't know what "get into your phone means" but they can tell the os that a particular app is too be un- installed. I think they needed to use that functionality once with an app a while back. I would very surprised if android did not have the same capabilities.
I meant controlling your phone without you being informed and giving permission. I'm no expert, but I've never read or heard about anything like that with either phones.
I meant controlling your phone without you being informed and giving permission. I'm no expert, but I've never read or heard about anything like that with either phones.

Yes, they have the ability to remove an app if it violates terms. But usually only if it is malicious
I guess it has to be that way. I just wonder about their motivation. There are paid for apps in the Google Store that haven't been updated for 2 or 3 years and nobody answers their emails. I was told by a Google support tech that authors have 3 days to reply or they're in violation of their contract. I can't tell you how many times I've written to Google about them and they're still being sold. I guess when money is involved, it's easy for Google to look the other way.
Thanks for the help.
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