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I just MAY have screwed up!


I got on an internet site selling marvelous toys and took the bait.
Up for grabs was a (seemingly) 7" screened Droid. It was called an "aPod".

Well, since I'm older and the larger screen seemed like a great deal for me, I bid/purchased one.

Now I can't seem to find out anything about it. I ASSUMED (Yeah, I know, I know) that it was just a larger version of the Motorolla Droid I use everyday.

Is it? I have not received it yet, so I can't tell you much else about it. Did I buy a pig in a poke that I will get no use of?

Thanks in advance for any information.

Oh, and go ahead....make fun of me if I need it!
There's an aPad. Could it have been a typo? Usually these things are from China and may or may not work, but they come with very little support. I bought a no-name tab for $100 and it works. Not great, but for $100 i am willing to accept certain limitations. :)
Maybe this?
Apad e7002 android tablet pc,apad e7002 720mhz 1080p multitouch_7 inch Tablet PC_Android Mid,China Android Tablet PC

Hopefully not! It does have a capacitive touch screen, but the processor is weak.

It comes up as apod in searches, but apad when viewed. Using "pod" in any device name or description will bring down the mighty legal weight of Apple upon ones head, as everyone knows they invented the word.

Here's hoping that you made the deal of the century and got a great tablet for next to nothing!
OK, Thanks folks. You are persactly right it was an APAD...not POD.

Guess it would help if I knew what I was buying, right?

You'll get old too, someday! LOL

I guess it is NOT a phone, but a picture/film/book/internet thingy with capability to download songs also.

Again, THANKS.

I recon I'll be back on this site to bug you with more "intelligent" questions once it arrives.
OK, Thanks folks. You are persactly right it was an APAD...not POD.

Guess it would help if I knew what I was buying, right?

You'll get old too, someday! LOL

I think you might be surprised by the age of the people who have replied to you. :D Let's just say that AARP junk mail is not an unfamiliar object in my inbox. ;)

I guess it is NOT a phone, but a picture/film/book/internet thingy with capability to download songs also.

Again, THANKS.

I recon I'll be back on this site to bug you with more "intelligent" questions once it arrives.

Feel free to bug us as much as you like. I think you'll be surprised at the things your new 'toy' can do.
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