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I Need Help With Android Programming

Hello friends. I'm using Android Studio. I'm in the process of learning. My English is not very good. I translate with Google Translate. Now I have a question for you. I want to develop a trial app. Only a date will be entered when the application is first opened. For example, 1/1/2020 date. But only this. When the date 1/1/2020 is entered, it will be switched to another interface. Here will enter a name that I have already set. A name like Tom. If the tom name is entered, the system will accept the name correctly and a new interface will be opened. In here video will be played. When the video is finished it will automatically switch to a new screen. How do I make this application? Please help. I have to finish by August 16th. I said my English wasn't very good Please write in a way that I understand when translating with Google Translate. Thank you for your support. Greetings from Turkey.
Do you have some basic knowledge on android? Eg how to intent from one page to another,how to make button work...?
Do you have some basic knowledge on android? Eg how to intent from one page to another,how to make button work...?
Yeah. I know that much. But what I want is something different. When the application opens, a date will be entered. It's a date I've set. For example, 1/1/2020. If the user writes another date, it will not be accepted. Then you will switch to an interface. Here again, a single name will be entered. For example: Like Tom. Another name will be considered wrong. Then a video will be played. When the video ends, a screen will come up. There will be a message I set.
You will need to have inputs and action listeners for those inputs. In the action listeners, you would have to process the response:
private void checkName() {
    String name = nameBox.getText().toString().trim();
    if (name.equals("Tom")) {
        Intent nextPage = new Intent(NameActivity.this, VideoActivity.class);
    else {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Wrong name", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)..show();

You'll need to do that for each condition.
Yeah. I know that much. But what I want is something different. When the application opens, a date will be entered. It's a date I've set. For example, 1/1/2020. If the user writes another date, it will not be accepted. Then you will switch to an interface. Here again, a single name will be entered. For example: Like Tom. Another name will be considered wrong. Then a video will be played. When the video ends, a screen will come up. There will be a message I set.

Make a start on the app, and you'll be in a much better position to get some useful help here. Give us something to work with. Nobody is going to write the entire app for you I'm afraid.
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