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I want some advice..... I think this is weird


Android Enthusiast
haha ok let me get this out......I am not big on the whole online dating thing I do it mostly for fun.........

I was writing this chick on saying how I used to be adventurous and stuff but not as much as I used to be......... Went into detail on who I am........... I never once said I am or ever have been bad...... all I said is that I caused my share of trouble..........

and I got this in return:
A reformed bad boy, eh? That sounds dangerous. This is internet dating, so a girl has to be cautious. I'm not sure what to make of you yet.

Im like WT...... So I sent here this long drawn out thing on how I understand where shes coming from and in a nutshell you can't judge a book by its cover and no reply after 3 days.......

am I missing something.... was that her way of saying not interested...... Iv never faced a response such as this...... hhahaha I know its lame to ask this on a forum like this but Iv been racking my brain..... and stuff like this don't usually faze me but I find this intriguing he
What about asking her what she meant by that, instead of us? Or at least go into the same details that you told her, so we might be able to gauge exactly where she thought you were a "reformed bad boy."
What about asking her what she meant by that, instead of us? Or at least go into the same details that you told her, so we might be able to gauge exactly where she thought you were a "reformed bad boy."

Yes that may help ha I was on my cell when I was typing that and it doesn't like to copy great amount of text.... Well based on the reply I gave it asked her in a nice sorta way.....

here is an excerpt from what I sent:
I was once the typical 'prep by day, troublemaker by night', my major troublemaking days are over.
Oh sheesh, that's nothing. I think she jumped to conclusions w/ that. I always use that type of terminology, even now. When talking about weekend plans I say "So what type of trouble would you like to get into this weekend?" They know what I mean. I was a bit of a "troublemaker" in my youth, but that typically consisted of playing pranks & throwing the occasional party when my parents were out of town. You might want to clarify what you meant by that if you're interested in getting to know this girl better.
Probably because you sent a long drawn out response trying to explain yourself against a flirtatious comment.

That scared her off more than being a "reformed bad boy." Keep it simple!
Oh sheesh, that's nothing. I think she jumped to conclusions w/ that. I always use that type of terminology, even now. When talking about weekend plans I say "So what type of trouble would you like to get into this weekend?" They know what I mean. I was a bit of a "troublemaker" in my youth, but that typically consisted of playing pranks & throwing the occasional party when my parents were out of town. You might want to clarify what you meant by that if you're interested in getting to know this girl better.

Thats what I was thinking...... this was my reply to that:
I completely understand about being cautious. I was never really a bad boy per say. I would just end up at adventurous places... but as I have aged I have realized that the choices I made were not always the best. I am cautious as well I have to get to know someone before I even go on a date. I believe you have to feel comfortable with the person.

I am not going to try and convince you that I am a good boy now. The way I look at it is if someone has to convince someone else they are not a bad person then that means they are just trying to hide the fact they have a bad streak.

I would enjoy getting to know you even if it just leads to a life long friendship.

That was a good response...up until the life long friendship thing. That's a tad bit creepy lol.

haha ya i know well most of the chicks I befriend Iv known forever and probably will know them for life.... even most of my exes I still talk to and hang with once in a while. I don't mean it in a creepy way people that know me personally know that I am a friendly person behind the tattoos. I didn't see it as creepy but coming from a chick it must be hahah owell you win some you loose some.....

haha I gota know when to stop writing sometimes but I enjoy writing and sometimes my typing works faster than my brain..... hehe owell
I think at this point any more communication would be a bad idea on your end, unless she initiates it. Don't even try to apologize for anything you've already said because that would reek of desperation. If she still wants to talk to you, awesome. If not, well, there will be others :).
I think at this point any more communication would be a bad idea on your end, unless she initiates it. Don't even try to apologize for anything you've already said because that would reek of desperation. If she still wants to talk to you, awesome. If not, well, there will be others :).

Haha thats what I was thinking haha this chick is a couple years younger than me so that maybe a huge reason why no reply hahah....... o well like I always say NEXT in line hahahah

Its not like i was putting all my eggs in this basket i just found it like ummmmm what?
She wants to see a bad boy? My cousin told me about a friend of his. She met this guy and asked my cousin thats a LEO to run a check on him as somehting didnt seem right. So he checked the sex offenders list and there he was convicted of kidnapping and sexual assault. Talk about a wake up call. You never know what your getting in to now playing the dating game. It use to be reasons like I have a kid or I am really married or you might want to see your doctor. Now you dont know if your meeting a sexual predator or a cereal killer (Poor snap, crackle, & pop lol)
She wants to see a bad boy? My cousin told me about a friend of his. She met this guy and asked my cousin thats a LEO to run a check on him as somehting didnt seem right. So he checked the sex offenders list and there he was convicted of kidnapping and sexual assault. Talk about a wake up call. You never know what your getting in to now playing the dating game. It use to be reasons like I have a kid or I am really married or you might want to see your doctor. Now you dont know if your meeting a sexual predator or a cereal killer (Poor snap, crackle, & pop lol)

she doesn't want to see a bad boy thats what shes afraid of..... Like I said before I want to get to know the person before anything...... trust me I have my stories........

Iv rushed into relationships and lets just say they wernt pretty..... one that sticks out is I started dating this drop dead blonde..... she said that she was single we dated things were going really really well until I found out she was still legally married but separated.... you may ask how I learned of this? Well one night we were hanging out and I was dropping her off at home when this guy came up to me and put a knife to my neck and told me to leave his wife alone...... lets just say I didnt talk to her much after that
To be fair you did say you got in your share of trouble..
Possible she was just giving you a light hearted hard time, probably even flirting. I note this by her term "yet"..as in she is still trying to getting to know you. Which I think is fair enough. Not that she is writing you off. That was the way I read it anyway. If you are sensitive to these kind of comments on that subject maybe hold off on that subject for a while, since it is in the past.

It is just a peek of the interaction, so I could be off. It is internet chatting after all; which is great in some ways, but censored of body language and voice tone.
To be fair you did say you got in your share of trouble..
Possible she was just giving you a light hearted hard time. I note this by her term "yet"..as in she is still trying to getting to know you. Not that she is writing you off. That was the way I read it anyway.

It is just a peek of the interaction, so I could be off. Too soon to tell, IMO. It is internet chatting after all; which is great in some ways, but censored of body language and voice tone.

See i agree with you its just the danger word came up that was the only message i got from her so imo i would think if she wanted to get to know me she would have said more that was the entire message from her....... see thats why i hate online dating and despice texting you dont get the whole message without the voice.... and my reply to that was what i put here plus i was asking questions based on her profile..... like she said she likes that what she said joke and i asked her in a joking trivia way what movie that is from and also she is big into religion it says she i asked what denomination i told her that i have a tattoo that means God is looking over us.... (dont mean to offend anyone by saying that) i was trying to make small talk cause i know (please noone take offence) that chicks are more interested in a guy that wants to know more about them than the guy going on and on about themselfs..... and same goes for guys aswell its showing interest.... i dont do that just for chicks but for anyone i meet it helps me associate them with something so its easier to remember them by
Keep it lighter, and again perhaps lay low on the vague trouble talk, that alone can be up to someone's imagination so soon in meeting someone. If its in the past anyways, it should stay there for now. You can still focus on how you appreciate your current life.
I only see that she was flirting...

You said to much..
Looks creepy.. desperate...

In my experience... women don't mind a little touch of danger... as long as they know you are not dangerous to them.

She is re thinking...

You need to be not so serious... relax.
Wait for her next step... don't be so available
again i don't see that as flirting..... most flirting but danger part.... o well i am not a huge fan I still prefer to meet chicks in real life not over the internet..... and if some one can explain how using those words are considered flirting..... i am only 23 but I know when someones flirting and to me thats not flirting..... unless thats how kids these days flirt....(18-21 age group)......
Step up the game & start going out more...

Internet dating seldom leads to anything good...

If you've got something going for you (or at least appear to, lolz), the opposite sex (or same sex if that's what you're into) will know it/pick up on it...

If you have any trouble just come down to Phoenix, there's plenty of crazy bitches down here just waiting to get picked up by a guy with tatoos, lmao...
Step up the game & start going out more...

Internet dating seldom leads to anything good...

If you've got something going for you (or at least appear to, lolz), the opposite sex (or same sex if that's what you're into) will know it/pick up on it...

If you have any trouble just come down to Phoenix, there's plenty of crazy bitches down here just waiting to get picked up by a guy with tatoos, lmao...

See i dont have problems finding chicks..... its just i get the ones that are ethier toooo inmature for me or endup being mentally unstable and that all gets old...... i am tired of the 18 to 21 year old that only want to talk about crap like i want to get drunk blah blah blah or they cant hold a conversation for more than 5 mins.

The reason i looked into online dating is looking for someone different.

Aha wow ya ill keep Phoenix in mind.... or i could just go to vegas where my buddie lives
See i dont have problems finding chicks..... its just i get the ones that are ethier toooo inmature for me or endup being mentally unstable and that all gets old...... i am tired of the 18 to 21 year old that only want to talk about crap like i want to get drunk blah blah blah or they cant hold a conversation for more than 5 mins.
Then maybe you should find women over 21 if you find that the younger ones are too immature. :p
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