Android Expert
So, I have been doing some random computer related thinking about building another. I am now bouncing between a fairly high end i7 chip and the i5 varient. The i5 is cheaper, slightly slower clock speed, I think by about 100mhz base. And the threaded.
I know the i7 is hyperthreaded which, I guess reads that while it has 4 physical cores, the hyperthreading adds another 4 virtual cores. I doubt its that simple though. Looking at the i5 it don't appear to have hyperthreading.
Is that the only difference? The hyperthreading?
I know the i7 is hyperthreaded which, I guess reads that while it has 4 physical cores, the hyperthreading adds another 4 virtual cores. I doubt its that simple though. Looking at the i5 it don't appear to have hyperthreading.
Is that the only difference? The hyperthreading?