Android Expert
IBM Launches Beta of Lotus Notes Traveler for Android - Mobile and Wireless from eWeek
IBM June 17 released the beta version of its free Lotus Notes Traveler for Android application to let Lotus Notes customers access e-mail, calendar and contacts from an Android 2.0 or later device. The app will work for the Android 2.1-based Motorola Droid, Nexus One, HTC Droid Incredible and HTC Evo 4G. IBM also said its next version of Lotus Connections social software will support Android.
IBM June 17 released the beta version of its free Lotus Notes Traveler for Android application to let Lotus Notes customers access e-mail, calendar and contacts from an Android 2.0 or later device. The app will work for the Android 2.1-based Motorola Droid, Nexus One, HTC Droid Incredible and HTC Evo 4G. IBM also said its next version of Lotus Connections social software will support Android.