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Identify an app icon


Hi all, can anyone please identify what app is the icon next to the fb messenger? The one with 3 persons & a heart in the centre. Thanks


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I have seen that one before, but not sure whether we managed to identify it. The fact that there's a stylised cardio trace across the heart ("broken hearts" are usually vertical splits rather than horizontal) and the icon overall is shaped like a shield suggests fitness rather than dating, if that's what you are concerned about (it is what 98% of people who post these questions are asking, I'm afraid, so apologies if I jumped to a conclusion there).
Yeah, it's a real challenge to identify some of these miscellaneous icons. There are millions of them, and there is a chance that someone in this forum has the same app installed so they'll recognize that icon, but that's really a hit or miss matter. Icons for popular apps will be easier for others to recognize, but most apps not so much.
But icons are just visual identifiers linked to specific, respective apps, so if you look through your Settings >> Apps menu listing see if there's any app with the same or at least similar icon. Most notification icons, being much smaller, will have at least some close resemblance, and may be scaled down replicas or altered in some way to reflect a notice or changed condition of the app/service.
Thank you Hadron! You are spot on, so no need to apologise at all. I could and should have asked my partner when I noticed that icon from a screenshot of a picture he sent me. We have been doing long distance for the past year due to covid-19 and I am due to join him in a couple of months. Our relationship was rocky at a time from fights and uncertainty caused by the pandemic. I guess I am a worrier but I will be more honest next time. I greatly appreciate your detailed response though, the trace across the heart is likely suggesting a fitness app more than anything as he is into fitness. Thanks heaps again :)
Hi Svim, I have also tried using google goggles app to identify the icon before starting a thread here but couldn't get the answer I was looking for. You are right, there are so many apps out there now so it is like a needle in the haystack. Thank you for responding though
Actually I had an inspiration: I did a Google Play search on "health shield" (based on the shape of the icon) and found this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=doh.health.shield. Looks like the same icon to me.

Looks like one of these covid status/tracing apps. If your partner is in the UAE this makes perfect sense.

Oh wow Hadron!! That's awesome! Great investigative skills you have there. You're right, he is in UAE and has to submit regular tests due to the nature of his work. Thanks so much Hadron. You've put my mind at ease. Next time I will be more honest with him :)
Hi I have the same question. I need some answers please can someone help? I have searched and searched for answers to two different heart icons, and pretty sure they are dating apps. So I have two icons I need to know about.
Oh wow Hadron!! That's awesome! Great investigative skills you have there. You're right, he is in UAE and has to submit regular tests due to the nature of his work. Thanks so much Hadron. You've put my mind at ease. Next time I will be more honest with him :)
Yeah being in love does take a massive toll on miscommunication, was there someone who you text like his parents? I do text my girl's mother plenty, and since now we can get a hold of one another it feels great, but talking with her just makes my heart either nervous or even queesy, I do not know what is going on in her life at all.
This is from a screenshot on a desktop computer, not a cell phone.
I’m I think it’s Google Play, does anyone have any idea what websites these app icons are for.. please somebody.. is anybody out there?????


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I hope I'm not the only one who had struggled for years identifying the Snapchat icon (what's the pacman ghost icon supposed to mean?). I used to see it on ads and billboards and feel like such a moron today. I also didn't know what the 'mickey mouse shorts' icon was supposed to be for a long time as well (the Discord app)
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