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Root If You Didn't Know... Ubuntdroid is back!


Android Enthusiast
See page 24 of the forum on sdx!
dodgejrc said
"UD will be worked on again. I and the other developers have taken time away from this for a bit. It happens and is necessary as our lives become completely consumed in SDX and phone development. I have just rebuilt my dev box and am going to slowly work my way back into developing in the upcoming days. I thank you all for being patient (if indeed you were patient) and hopefully we can continue getting another good ROM out. Thank you"

PS, sorry [TheAndroid] for stealing your title. figured maybe it'd get peoples' attention.
Yes, I read it. Then I immediately washed by eyeballs because they felt dirty.:eek: Ever hear the term "cuss like a Sailor"? As a veteran of more than 20 years in the navy, I'd s-say your volume of profanity is impressive. I'd also say that the military as a whole frowns upon dropping f-bombs as a policy. It is deemed unprofessional. I still drop the occasional f-bomb, but sparingly for emphasis. Less is more. Your message got lost in the clutter of cussing. Just my $0.02.
Yeah. But I wasn't feeling good, and we was being a greedy douche-canoe. I like never cuss. Idk why I did, but it felt good :)
Yeah. But I wasn't feeling good, and we was being a greedy douche-canoe. I like never cuss. Idk why I did, but it felt good :)

Oh my gosh. When i saw that post, I think a part of me wanted to laugh hysterically, and the other part wanted to just read the post with my jaw dropped at how many f-bombs were dropped. o.o
Its in the archives lol but Cooper it wasn't that bad.. hilarious, but not that bad lol. I only counted 2 F-Bombs! You gotta vent somehow ya know!
I didn't think I had that many f-bombs in it. And anyways, everyone was thinking it. Stupid greedy pig. He had it coming.

Edit: Looked back. Had such great joy in reading it again. and yeah, only 2 f-bombs
But what made the post is my ending
"PS if I get banned for this it was totally worth it"
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