So as I've said a few times, I was told by VZW I would be getting a Razr for my bionic which I got for my TB since they never release any updates and its such a pain in the a**. This is a few emails I got/sent this morning with the district manager. Its on going so I'll update as needed.
I'm so sick of these a******s and the game they play. BTW this accounts been open 7-10 years with an average bill of $300. Its not some small account...
Hey Alex, Just following up with you, I forgot who I spoke to on the 31st, he told me we'll be swapping out my Bionic for a Razr once they release them. Well, everyone who pre-ordered on (great website) has confirmations they'll be receiving theirs by tomorrow no later than 3pm so I left a message today with that number that called me with no reply.
I'm off tomorrow so I figured we could set something up before 5 or Friday before 12. I appreciate you helping me, its now the 2nd time, as I said in the previous email.
Call me anytime tomorrow and thanks again.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the follow-up. What you read n sounds correct, these will be available for those customers who are conducting a standard upgrade or new line of service. I spoke with Gabriel from the X location, he is the person who called you. As promised, we will be providing you with a RAZR replacement device once they are made available, they will not be available at launch. He will be contacting you once the replacement devices are made available so we can proceed with getting you into the new device. I just circled back with him to remind him to do so, thanks and hope you have a great day.
So I'll be getting a device that someone else deemed bad? You know... LIKE THE OTHER PHONES I'VE HAD SUCH GREAT LUCK WITH?
No thanks Alex.
...I was not promised a "replacement" device, I would have turned it down right then and there. I was told and I quote. "I spoke to Alex and we're going to get you into a Razr when they're launched".
3 bionics, 3 thunderbolts, all replacement devices, no updates, promises updates will be out, time after time, month after month, and nothing. Months pass like days and you're telling me to wait for a busted device again that "has passed our vigorous 101 pt test by our trained technicians".
No thank you.
If you would like to further discuss this on the phone, please do, my number is, X but tonight when everyone is off work, we will be discussing transferring to another carrier, one that doesn't send out broken devices and promise they'll work, like this.
I'm so sick of these a******s and the game they play. BTW this accounts been open 7-10 years with an average bill of $300. Its not some small account...