I believe LTE does use a SIM card as stated above. Though the DInc. is a dated phone, It's really not. That's like saying that my 47" LG LCD is dated because it's a year old. But that's the lie they spin to keep you buying new hardware every year. Definitely the 4G and the front facing camera are the biggest upgrades in the thunderbolt IMO, but not that great of an advantage over the DInc. I don't plant on doing video chat because that would require my family to be on face chat tech and they're not. Simultaneous data and voice is nice, but lets all be honest, we've made fun of those on ATT for the last years because that was the only claim to fame they tried to hold over our heads. In the end, that's kind of a stupid feature? I'm pretty sure I'll go with the Inc., root it and underclock when sleeping to save some battery. I would have been happy with my Eris on XTRSense 4.6.5 for the next year, but they offered $132 and I only paid $99 for it so it was a no-brainer. Thanks again for the replies. Your opinions are welcome.