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Installing Nougat!


Well-Known Member
I checked this morning and downloaded and am now installing Android Nougat 7.0. On T-Mobile.


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Congrats, i'm still waiting for it on the Three network, they always seem quite slow to roll out major updates :/
I'm on T-Mobile as well, and installed the update last night.

For the most part everything is fine. A few observations:
  • The update enabled "Unknown Sources" for installing apps. Not good, this is a dumb security move. I had it set to only allow from the Play Store, don't know why this would get switched, unless it's "required" for the Samsung Galaxy apps to update. But make sure you check this setting on your device afterwards.
  • My notifications settings got reset. So whereas I'd previously had my messaging apps set to NOT show content on the lockscreen, this setting got reset and I had to set it back.
  • It appears that holding the Power button on the lockscreen no longer allows you to adjust the volume with the sliders. The up/down buttons still raise/lower one volume aspect (probably System or Ringtone, but not sure), but you can no longer pull down to get the sliders for all volume settings. Lame.
Other than that things seem to be working fine.
Downloading a large update now on AT&T. Was gonna post here saying I hadn't had an update in months. But saw the Nougat thread and decided to check.
On AT&T and installed the OTA Nougat. So far I am pretty unhappy... The drop down notifications are too small to be able to read easily and Samsung Pay is totally broken. There are no settings to enlarge the notification text and no update for Samsung Pay.
I just installed Nougat on AT&T last night... getting notifications I cannot turn off. These are coming from Samsung apps such as themes and others. Annoying!! And also, my battery is draining fast this morning. I wiped the cache, will see if that helps, but I am reluctant to do a factory reset.
I always do a data cache reset after a major update, it does seem to help, by clearing out unwanted crap.
well it's been a while and I am still concerned with battery life. Any ideas or suggestions?

Could be an app that hasn't been updated for Nougat which is inefficient under the new OS? For me batt life has improved. So you can either monitor app usage (see what is keeping the phone awake) with GSAM battery monitor, remove any apps you haven't used in a long time (you probably don't need them anyway), failing that if the batt life is still poor a factory reset as a last resort to rule out an app issue.
I installed GSAM but it wants me to do some special stuff to monitor individual apps. Not sure I feel like plugging phone into computer.... Any other battery monitors you can suggest?
oh yea forgot about that, ok in settings/battery check what apps have kept the phone awake by clicking each one. If any have held it awake for a long time, they might be culprits.
When I do that I get most of my apps combined into one thing called "combined app cpu" which is annoying. I then press the combined app cpu and it takes me to a screen which says: consider enabling more stats to avoid this message via menu>more>enable more stats. I do that and it takes me to a screen which reads: GSAM can access more stats if you give it the special BATTERY_STATS permission. You just need to enable it once! I says on the same screen if you have root you just need to do x and if no root you need to do y. Well, I am not so sure I want to do y. Option y says: No root? connect to a computer and use the ADB command to enable access. Sounds like a pain for one simple app.
When I do that I get most of my apps combined into one thing called "combined app cpu" which is annoying. I then press the combined app cpu and it takes me to a screen which says: consider enabling more stats to avoid this message via menu>more>enable more stats. I do that and it takes me to a screen which reads: GSAM can access more stats if you give it the special BATTERY_STATS permission. You just need to enable it once! I says on the same screen if you have root you just need to do x and if no root you need to do y. Well, I am not so sure I want to do y. Option y says: No root? connect to a computer and use the ADB command to enable access. Sounds like a pain for one simple app.

Not really I used the ADB option as i'm not rooted, it's a useful tool to have. But anyway just use the built in Samsung batt stats as I mentioned.
only problem I've noticed so far is that the haptic feedback for recent/back is reduced intensity. it's still there, just barely noticeable.
I did leave that GSAM installed and it looks like most of my battery is being used by Phone Radio: 56%. Apps are at 38%. Does that sound right?
Ok so how is your cell reception? if its poor/low then that will cause batt drain as it's constantly seeking for a better signal. Not a lot you can do about that.
Right now I am getting 4 bars. In the past it was worse. Like 1 or 2 bars. I think there was a cell tower near me that was offline, and they might have turned it back on recently. Kind of speculating about it coming back online though. But now my cell phone usage is at 14%. I don't know, maybe I need to wait longer to get more accurate info from GSAM. It doesn't even have 24 hrs info yet.
I had concerns about battery life initially as well. Did a cache reset and still had issues. Got a few messages stating that one of my apps True Key password manger was showing 30 errors. I uninstalled it then re installed and it is all working great now. Battery life much improved. My biggest bug bear with it is the notifications bar when pulled down id screaminly white. Now on an OLED screen that is a battery hog so am surprised at that, It also makes messages painful to read and i cant see a way to change it. Tried changing themes but it didnt alter the notifications pull down.
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