vmx, download launcher pro from the app market, the first time you go back to your home screen it's going to ask you what launcher you want to use, first check off the box that says "use by default for this action" then click on launcherpro.
Now the fun begins. When you are on the main screen hit the menu button and then hit "preferences", this will bring you to all the options that launcherpro offers such as:
Number of screens-the n1 comes stock with 5 this will give you the choice up to 7.
Default screen-this will set what screen will be your home. Most guys like the middle screen as there home so if you pick the option to have 7 screens then choose 4 to be the middle.
Enable auto-rotation-this will allow your home and app draw to be displayed in landscape.
Home key to default screen-this will let you choose if you want your home key to bring you back to your home screen or open the "sky view"
dock background-this gives you the option to change the way the icons are displayed on the bottom of the screen, i have mine set to glass.
Hide notification bar-hides the top bar, you can bring it up if you hit the menu key.
Home button on app draw-shows a home button to exit the app drawer.
Hide icon labels-hides the test under the home screen icons.
Advance settings:
5 icon rows in homes screen-your default is 4, i left it at 4.
Elastic scrolling-enables an elasticity effect when scrolling through homescreens.
Drawer columns portrait-choose how many icons you want to be displayed in portrait mode in the app drawer (i changed mine to 5).
Drawer columns landscape-same as above.
Opening speed
play around and see what suits your needs.