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Interesting analysis of disposable income

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Android Expert
...not that is surprises me, I've just never seen it put on paper.


In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year | zero hedge

It's interesting that it mentions rent subsidies for but makes no allowance for mortgage or property tax which would make the last column the worst in terms of disposable income.

Note: I have no clue how accurate this is. I'm not even going to look into the accuracy of the article because every time I look into the numbers that make up this type of article I just get pissed off. This clearly isn't directed at either political party but rather at taxes in general.
Note: I have no clue how accurate this is. I'm not even going to look into the accuracy of the article because every time I look into the numbers that make up this type of article I just get pissed off. This clearly isn't directed at either political party but rather at taxes in general.

I don't blame you. Emmerich is a right-wing hack.
YAY! I can post again...lol

Uhm, it would probably help your case if you did validate your facts and put it in perspective.

I was watching a program on PBS last night about the Scandinavian countries. The hos (US guy) asked what they thought of their Socialist Capitalist Democracy and the fact they pay 30% income tax. The reply was while this is true in America you pay about 30% tax BUT you also have to pay for education and health care so that takes you to 50% of your income or more.

To simplify they get:
1. 18 months off when you have a kid (time can be split between parents)
2. 6 weeks of vacation time (1.5 months)
3. medical coverage
4. education

Another person put it in a very clear and simple way. We DEMAND more from our Government and as a people we build our nation up for all because in the long run this is a better way for a country to prosper.

EUROPE is at least 1000 years ahead of America.
America is a toddler when compared on a timeline.

He said (while on his expensive boat). We provide our society with the basics and from there we are not burdened therefore we go off and make more money and make the country better. Capitalism is encouraged but we believe in certain basic benefits for our citizens.

So looking at their basic benefits, who has a BETTER QUALITY of life. But then again 50% of them ride bicycles, no fat people around really and they are smart enough to build while taking care of their environment.

QUALITY OF LIFE. Who has it better?

America - MAYBE you get 2 week vacation time.
In America you complain about the breakdown of the family structure and values while they spend as much time with theirs.

I think the show is Rick Stevens on PBS. He travels all over the world, very good show.
EUROPE is at least 1000 years ahead of America.
America is a toddler when compared on a timeline..

I find it interesting that you depend on a toddler for your military protections and medical advancements.

Talk about Europe being backwards.

If they were 100 years ahead, they would be providing ample incentives for medical advancement and providing for their own military protection...

Europe is like a bunch of college kids. They think they know exactly how the world should be, but forget that their world involves their parents taking care of them...

I say, cut them off. Refuse to support any of them militarily, and make it illegal for companies to sell their drugs in the US, if they sell them to other first world nations at a discount.

Europe's economy would crash as a result of those two things alone... seriously, just those two things.
I say Europe takes an isolationaste stance
*gives it ten years before middle east is oblitarated and world is in another lassez faire capitilism caused downturn*

You do realise that Sweeden and Finland have one of the highest R&D/GDP ratios in the world, right?
That new advances in cancer research are made every month in the British Isles?
That food research across Europe is trying to save the world from starvation?
That Germany is innovating in transport technology DAY BY DAY?
That in France and Italy massive aviation research is being carried out?
Russia? lolxdkthxplzlearnmoar
I say Europe takes an isolationaste stance
*gives it ten years before middle east is oblitarated and world is in another lassez faire capitilism caused downturn*

I'm good with that.

You do realise that Sweeden and Finland have one of the highest R&D/GDP ratios in the world, right?

What have they developed?

That new advances in cancer research are made every month in the British Isles?

What treatments have been pioneered in the British Isles this year?

That food research across Europe is trying to save the world from starvation?

What breakthroughs are being made in Europe?

That Germany is innovating in transport technology DAY BY DAY?

What innovations has Germany brought in the last year?

That in France and Italy massive aviation research is being carried out?

What innovations have Italy or France brought to market in the last year?

Russia? lolxdkthxplzlearnmoar

Really? You don't think there are ANY military threats to Europe in the world?

Let's see... who has a superior military to Europe... pretty much everybody else.

If I'm not mistaken, I think North Korea's military could take any single European country.

go ahead, do away with your military ALTOGETHER. And we'll vow not to defend you if you are attacked... let's see what happens.
I'm good with that.
Really? You don't think there are ANY military threats to Europe in the world?
There are a few
They attack us = economic collapse
Let's see... who has a superior military to Europe... pretty much everybody else.
US, China vs EU would be fair fight, we could never invade them though (tooooo many soldiers), Russia only has nuclear advantage
If I'm not mistaken, I think North Korea's military could take any single European country.
Worlds forth largest standing army
25% GDP goes to military

They attack, say Ireland, UK nukes them, you have troops from all over EU massing in UK within 48 hours
Retaken by end of week
go ahead, do away with your military ALTOGETHER. And we'll vow not to defend you if you are attacked... let's see what happens.
I find it interesting that you depend on a toddler for your military protections and medical advancements.

Talk about Europe being backwards.

If they were 100 years ahead, they would be providing ample incentives for medical advancement and providing for their own military protection...

Europe is like a bunch of college kids. They think they know exactly how the world should be, but forget that their world involves their parents taking care of them...

I say, cut them off. Refuse to support any of them militarily, and make it illegal for companies to sell their drugs in the US, if they sell them to other first world nations at a discount.

Europe's economy would crash as a result of those two things alone... seriously, just those two things.

Seriously, what is wrong with you.
The ONLY defense you pose to just about EVERY topic is who is going to defend you or you rely on the US to defend you.

Learn to think for yourself man.
Clearly you have not left your state or try to inform yourself.
Hell, start watching PBS at least and learn about other cultures.
Regarding OPs post
I know families on welfare (with and without mortgahes) and families earning €60k
Giving our benifits are waaaaay more generous, those on welfare who I know are a lot less well off
Do you think you have a better quality of life (in general) in the US compared to most European countries?

They seem to put Education and Social Development of their NATION ahead. If you listen to the different countries they pretty much say the same and do the same.

Spain is doing A LOT with trains and green energy.
That solar panel water heater system that coverts steam into electrical power is pretty damn cool.

btw- Norway is kicking ass with leading edge technology to retrieve natural gas from the Arctic. They are well ahead of everyone else with Russia right behind. It's interesting that they also PROMOTE and USE LOTS of GREEN energy machines.

They use GREEN POWER not because they found it was just good for the environment BUT because it was BETTER for NATIONAL SECURITY.

The US are CONSUMERS. You do not control your own ENERGY or BANKS. Figure that one out.
Made me LOL xD

Am I asking to much?
We are in an age of technology where the world is a click away.
Hell, you don't have to read just watch some NatGeo or PBS type VIDEO documentaries.

American Idol, Parking Wars, Ice Road Truckers, Survivor, Big Brother type shows MAKES YOU STUPID. STOP WATCHING THEM. Sure I watch them for 10 minutes or so for Idol's final singers BUT I watch A LOT of HI DEF programming that teaches me things or shows me other parts of the world.

What good is your military going to for you when you have NO AIR or CLEAN WATER left? Do you even know what RAIN FORESTS are?

I may have missed something, but nowhere in any of the search results, did it mention bringing anything to market as a result of Swedish R&D...


You really believe taking existing technology and patenting it for use in YOUR device is a breakthrough? Seriously? Piezoelectric Crystals are not new, and there is no evidence that Nokia did ANY new research on them at all for this patent.

And again... it's not an approved treatment. Sorry. What treatments have you developed?

All those search results, and not a single marketable product delivered? How sad.


Oh... they made a fuel cell hybrid concept car... wow. They are only what... 3 years behind the rest of the automotive world?

And where is the market result? None.

And what was this article supposed to tell me... that France makes money building aircraft?

This is market RESEARCH... did you even read any of these articles, or did you assume that since they had the words you were looking for, then obviously this supported your position? Really?

Again... any medical treatments pioneered in Europe... I'll be glad to hear.

Treatments are almost ALWAYS pioneered in the US. Why? Because that's where they are profitable. It's an indirect effect of Europe's price cutting measures for their socialized medicine.
There are a few
They attack us = economic collapse

You think so? Do you have ANY example of this happening EVER in history? No.

US, China vs EU would be fair fight

I actually laughed at this. EU vs Iran would be a fair fight. Either China or Russia versus EU, and the EU crumbles like a cookie in a glass of milk.

First off, each nation would defend itself independent of each other long enough for serious damage to be done. Once they start organizing their defense, what are they going to defend with? Troops that aren't allowed to see combat? Really?

They attack, say Ireland, UK nukes them, you have troops from all over EU massing in UK within 48 hours

UK doesn't nuke anybody. Even if they lose the war, the civilians will survive UNLESS nuclear war happens. Nuclear war happens, and UK no longer exists on the map.

UK can't launch nukes, because they will be utterly destroyed.

Retaken by end of week

You've learned nothing from history. Nothing at all. If they take the UK, then it belongs to them. The EU WILL NOT be able to take it back. Period. You don't have enough troops with enough experience to take it back. Especially if you are dealing with an invasion at the rest of the EU.

You act as if the EU fairy will create troops with experience at fighting wars who will sweep through and eliminate the threat.

What you will have is troops who haven't been allowed to see combat in a decade trying to figure out HOW to hold together in combat.

Then you will all beg for the US to come save you... and then what, we will, like we always have.
I may have missed something, but nowhere in any of the search results, did it mention bringing anything to market as a result of Swedish R&D...

Other countries are on track for the future and laying the path for the FUTURE you are still reaching for the past to make it present.
Go get another job so you can payback China faster.

Btw these guys might be hiring...Do you know where they are from:D

Seriously, what is wrong with you.
The ONLY defense you pose to just about EVERY topic is who is going to defend you or you rely on the US to defend you.

Learn to think for yourself man.
Clearly you have not left your state or try to inform yourself.
Hell, start watching PBS at least and learn about other cultures.

This from someone who's economy is only doing so well because they don't have any real military capability.

Yes... if there was a country who had a military big enough and powerful enough for us to hide behind... the we could spend less of our GDP on our military too.... does that make you feel better.

Of you go... go hide back behind our skirts now...

Regarding OPs post
I know families on welfare (with and without mortgahes) and families earning
This from someone who's economy is only doing so well because they don't have any real military capability.

Yes... if there was a country who had a military big enough and powerful enough for us to hide behind... the we could spend less of our GDP on our military too.... does that make you feel better.

Of you go... go hide back behind our skirts now...

lol... yep. I make about $60k here, and I KNOW welfare families that are better off, so I find this incredibly hard to believe.

Considering you benefit from medical treatments developed here, but price fix them so that they are more expensive here to be profitable... I would say no.

Although, I think if we outlaw providing medical treatments in the US, if they provide them cheaper to other first world countries, you would find your drug supply and medical device supply dried up, and you wouldn't be able to provide ANY medical care at all.

You do realize that the US has one of only 2 Solar power plants in existence.

You should definitely watch more educational videos that show your dependence on the US for your current economy. You seem to be ignorant of exactly HOW dependent you are.

You really need to look in the mirror and get off the who needs the biggest Military crap. The future is who owns the water and air.
Canada is the 2nd largest country in land mass after Russia.
We have LOTS of WATER, TREES, OIL, CLEAN AIR, plus pollution flows SOUTH:D

btw- as for your dependent point...NEED I POINT OUT that YOU OWE these guys TRILLIONS of $$$$$....
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