As for all ANDROID manufacturers,the rate of new models appears to have slowed down a bit,as the public has tired of the 'buyers remorse' syndrome(as depicted in past BEST BUY commercials).
As for GOOGLE/MOTOROLA phones,it appears they will be concentrating their efforts on updating models that are currently out,to the latest version of ANDROID (4.0.X.X) ICE CREAM SANDWICH,before releasing any new phones that have the latest O/S.
This is all just speculation,but,the latest O/S has been out for a few months+,and,w/exception to a few nitch-market phones such as the GALAXY NOTE,people are not going willing to opt for a new handset unless it already has 4.0 ICS on it,or,at minimum,a firm date of an upgrade to ICS in the immediate future.
This isn't to say that you won't see any new phones coming out soon,just the rate/amount of new phones coming out for 2012 will most definitely be at a lower rate than this past year.This much has been published by all the major manufacturers.
Its actually a good thing,we'll get better phones,not more of them.