Welcome to Android Forums! Sorry for the slow response.
There are several things you can check to see what is using up all of the space.
If you go into settings, and then the application manager, you can look at your downloaded apps, running apps, or all apps. I would go to the All apps section and then sort by size. You can go into the ones that are taking up the most space and try deleting their cache. This is only temporary, however, as the cache will fill up again with use.
One of the biggest offenders that I have seen is one you wouldn't think would be a problem. It's usually called 'Dialer Storage' or something similar. Your SMS and MMS messages are stored in the data storage of this app. If you send or receive a lot of MMS, the pictures can really fill up this space. What I do is go through my MMS and save the pictures off to my SD card, and then I delete the messages. This can free up tons of space.
I hope this helps! If not, there are two avenues: You can re-submit your question with additional info the same way you submitted this one, or you can join the forums for a better back and forth exchange of info.
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