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Invalid Download URI


Jun 23, 2013
Some of my customers are getting an "Invalid download uri" error when trying to install an app that I have published. I've also noticed other developers having the same problem with their apps but no solutions seem to have appeared online yet.

As with all annoying bugs, it is inconsistent. The app was tested, and worked fine on a Nexus 7 and HTC Desrie One prior to release.

The app was also successfully installed on two of my friend's Galaxy S3s, but the customer who has had this error had it on an S3.

I'm really stumped on this. I have a few other similar apps published which don't have the problem. The only thing I have noticed is that the Total Installs graph that you see in the bottom right of an app's page on Google Play is missing on the page of the troublesome app. Weird.

Some forums have suggested clearing the cache or updating the device's software, but these methods have not worked for my customers.

I'm new to this, please be gentle :)

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Sorry to bump an old thread but this thread showed up pretty high in google search results and I thought I'd post what ended up fixing the issue for me for future reference. This only applies to ROOTED USERS. If you are not rooted THIS WILL NOT HELP YOU.

How to fix the "invalid download uri" problem - xda-developers

The issue is a lack of permissions on a cache folder that the Play Store uses to download files. Fixing the perms via ADB solved the issue for me. The one thing the author forgot to mention is that as soon as you connect to the shell you need to SU to root otherwise none of this will work.

Hope this helps anyone who stumbles upon this in the future!

Just in case XDA randomly goes belly-up or has a massive DB failure here is a copy of the steps. If you use these steps and they work for you please go to the XDA thread linked above and thank the author there as he did all the work and I'm just sharing :)

>> SNIP <<


"Invalid download uri" is a bad ass error that is the biggest flaw (IMHO) You can encounter. Solutions are (as far as I can tell):
- cache clear
- factory reset

But for those, who did this and still have the same problem (or don't wanna try the factory reset) there might be some hope. (I was searching for solutions and found none like this, so I hope I don't duplicate someone's ideas)

I was fighting with this for a longer time and I guess I finally managed to fix it. I tried to clear cache, Google Store and Services, I even removed and reinstalled Google Play. But as logcat said, there was still problem with access to the file that was downloaded (something about JaveException:FileAccessInvalid - or something similar).

So, to make the long story short:
- connect phone
- adb shell
- cd /data/data/com.android.providers.downloads
- ls -al

There should be 4 directories:
- one of them (install) is a link (not visible in CM File Manager, but visible in shell)
- app_sslcache, cache, databases

Those three should have similar attributes (drwxrwx--x), in my case, cache had ony drwx--x--x.

So an easy fix: chmod 771 cache (You should be root) and voila, everything works (You don't need reboot or to stop google play or anything) and no more "invalid download uri".

Please, if You have this problem try this fix and if it works for You, let others know (maybe even in the comment section below)...

PS: It's not dangerous, but anyway... You do this at Your own risk.
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Some of my customers are getting an "Invalid download uri" error when trying to install an app that I have published. I've also noticed other developers having the same problem with their apps but no solutions seem to have appeared online yet.

As with all annoying bugs, it is inconsistent. The app was tested, and worked fine on a Nexus 7 and HTC Desrie One prior to release.

The app was also successfully installed on two of my friend's Galaxy S3s, but the customer who has had this error had it on an S3.

I'm really stumped on this. I have a few other similar apps published which don't have the problem. The only thing I have noticed is that the Total Installs graph that you see in the bottom right of an app's page on Google Play is missing on the page of the troublesome app. Weird.

Some forums have suggested clearing the cache or updating the device's software, but these methods have not worked for my customers.

I'm new to this, please be gentle :)

What I did with my Samsung s5 was make sure I had access to a WiFi network, then removed the SIM card and SD card. I then downloaded a few apps. I then placed the SIM card Only back in the device. I then downloaded a few more apps successfully. I did not put the SD card back in. I am in the process of replacing it. Hope this helps.

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