So who here owns/trades stocks? I'm no Gordon Gekko but I got a little bit invested.
Since we all like gadgets and Android, anybody backing up their Android beliefs by putting money on it?
I just got rid of my position in Motorola- all that split up nonsense made me uncomfortable. I can see everybody dumping Motorola Solutions for Motorola Mobility, with CES coming soon. I got lucky and bought it at like $6.30- this was when they announced earnings and the market was being a debbie downers, so the stock got slammed. But I had just bought a Droid and liked what I saw.
I might get Motorola Mobility tomorrow. LTE handsets and that tablet look fantastic. But the big question mark is how will the iPhone affect Droid sales? I fear that even a rewarmed iPhone 4 with CDMA only is enough to lure people away from the Droids and make a pro-Apple Wall Street freak out. And it seems like HTC is getting more play and press compared to Motorola. It's like they came out with a bang with the Droid, Droid X and then the rest of the handsets were so-so. This tablet could be a winner, it just needs to have a wi-fi only version. Imagine announcing the Motorola tablet along with Google's new e-newsstand. That would be sick!
I have some Google shares too.
What are some other Android plays on the stock market? I don't think we can buy HTC, can we? And I don't think there is a Samsung Mobile stock, is there?
Wall Street is still very much pro Apple, some of the analysts are thinking it can go up another $100! I would rather pay $600 for Google than $300 for Apple.
Since we all like gadgets and Android, anybody backing up their Android beliefs by putting money on it?
I just got rid of my position in Motorola- all that split up nonsense made me uncomfortable. I can see everybody dumping Motorola Solutions for Motorola Mobility, with CES coming soon. I got lucky and bought it at like $6.30- this was when they announced earnings and the market was being a debbie downers, so the stock got slammed. But I had just bought a Droid and liked what I saw.
I might get Motorola Mobility tomorrow. LTE handsets and that tablet look fantastic. But the big question mark is how will the iPhone affect Droid sales? I fear that even a rewarmed iPhone 4 with CDMA only is enough to lure people away from the Droids and make a pro-Apple Wall Street freak out. And it seems like HTC is getting more play and press compared to Motorola. It's like they came out with a bang with the Droid, Droid X and then the rest of the handsets were so-so. This tablet could be a winner, it just needs to have a wi-fi only version. Imagine announcing the Motorola tablet along with Google's new e-newsstand. That would be sick!
I have some Google shares too.
What are some other Android plays on the stock market? I don't think we can buy HTC, can we? And I don't think there is a Samsung Mobile stock, is there?
Wall Street is still very much pro Apple, some of the analysts are thinking it can go up another $100! I would rather pay $600 for Google than $300 for Apple.