I'm working on an app for fall detection.
I have an activity that starts a service. The service monitors the accelerometer for abnormal readings. Once found, I need to Alert the Activity to do some task. I create an intent and call startActivity(Intent), but my log says that I can't call startActivity(Intent) from inside the service.
Can anybody lend a helping hand? I've been looking at code examples and reading documentation, but it's not helping.
I'm working on an app for fall detection.
I have an activity that starts a service. The service monitors the accelerometer for abnormal readings. Once found, I need to Alert the Activity to do some task. I create an intent and call startActivity(Intent), but my log says that I can't call startActivity(Intent) from inside the service.
Can anybody lend a helping hand? I've been looking at code examples and reading documentation, but it's not helping.