In theory - yes, all it needs is a suitable client.
In practice - no. Skype, after 2 years of floundering, have still to make a client. There did used to be one called fring that used Skype that did what you require, but Skype decided to ban them from using Skype. That leaves only Nimbuzz which I think (correct me if I am wrong anyone), is voice only.
Skype have actually made a client, but the company is a very different one from a few years ago and is obviously only after the mighty dollar - meeting customer needs does not enter the equation. The reason I say this is because the client is only on 3 and Verizon networks - it is obvious that these companies have lobbed Skype a load of money to not put it anywhere else. Even if it was thoguh it wouldn't necessary help as people are only allowed to use 3G and not Wifi (otherwise they might be able to make free calls - and we couldn't be having that).
So all in all a very frustrating situation driven by the rather unattractive bare-faced greed of Skype.
My recommendation? Keep an eye out for a competitor and when one appears on PC and android then jump ship, taking your friend and family with you. It's the only way that this capability will come to android I think.