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Is the One worth $150 more than the DNA?

I adapted to the buttons quite quickly, especially once the 4.2.2 update (re)introduced the option for a long press on Home to act as the menu key (getting rid of the silly 3 dot bar in apps which don't conform to Android 4 standards). Double-tap on home for the recent apps screen became second nature very quickly.

I can't compare with the DNA because neither that phone or the Butterfly it was based on ever made it to here.
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I was trying to evaluate the same thing because I found a DNA at a local used phone shop and I really liked the look and feel of it. I guess the biggest thing to consider is whether or not it will get upgrades and for how long. The One will probably get upgrades more quickly and for a longer period of time than the DNA. I think they said it will get at least one more upgrade to Sense 5.5 and Android 4.3. Spec wise, they are almost identical other than the different cameras and batteries. If you plan on rooting it then you might go over to XDA and see what the guys over there think of it.
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