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Is the paypass at Walgreen's fake?


Android Expert
I went to two different Walgreen's and they have this blue transparent plastic thing with the paypass symbol above the area where you swipe your card, but no lights, wires, or ports on it.
I went to two different Walgreen's and they have this blue transparent plastic thing with the paypass symbol above the area where you swipe your card, but no lights, wires, or ports on it.

Yeah I notice that too. I asked them about it. The staff said the physical devices were installed but not yet activated.
Me thinks they're straight up fake. Like they want to appear to be progressive and hip with technology. Because other paypass machines have a separate wire going to it. The one at Walgreen's doesn't even have a place for a separate wire.

I took apart a calculator once, and the light sensor thing wasn't connected to anything. And I was like, why would they even include that on there? For looks?
I'm reading on the Googlez that Walgreens has signed up for Wallet usage. Not everyone has it up and running yet, but it should be on its way. Definitely not fake.
What it means (and all it means) is that the hardware is there, but they haven't rolled out corporate support for it at the store level yet.
This stuff is new and different companies will surely handle it differently.

I'm used to Walgreen's having good prices on stuff, I'm not used to them being tech savvy. ;)
I asked an employee about it. He said when they first installed them they were turned on, but due to security concerns about the credit card tags, they disabled them all.
But with the cell phone you have to put in your pin to charge it, so maybe when someone informs Walgreen's that paypass works with cell phones they'll turn them back on.
Not fake, but not working, either. They don't know what they're doing and are slightly behind the curve.

CVS works though!
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