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Is the relative lack of marketing normal?


Android Enthusiast
Dec 6, 2009
Other than the seldom-seen (and creepy) commericals, I'm not seeing any marketing hype for this device, and I can't figure out why. I can't get through an hour of TV without seeing the Thunderbolt commercial, and it was promoted months ahead of its release. If the document found yesterday is true, we'll have the Play in about two weeks, so why no marketing blitz? The Play isn't "just another Android phone" - it could be a game-changer - especially if Sony wants to license the controls to other manufacturers. Does it mean that Verizon and Sony do not have high hopes for this device? This is Sony's first big splash in the smartphone world - why aren't they treating it as such?

I realize I'm a nobody, but it seems to me that Sony should be flooding the market with advertising for it, and pricing this first iteration as cheaply as they can. That way they get momentum and a big install base that other manufacturers will want a piece of, and they can make buckets of money with licensing.

Unless it costs an ungodly sum when it arrives, I will likely buy it no matter what - but I want it to really succeed. It has been proven time and again that marketing is critical to success - few products can thrive despite a lack of promotion.

Am I missing something?
Yeah and lets not forget the viral videos with that woman with the slight lisp and her crazy commercials(funny commercials)

But given how much Verizon advertises the thunderbolt and the upcoming Bionic and Samsung phones which utilize their 4g network, I honestly think this is a more soft launch.

Wasn't the droid 2 a soft launch as well when it was announced?
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