Hi everyone,
Uhhh, what a mess that I just discovered. I've been looking to get the Incredible ever since it was mentioned a couple months ago and discovered that last July '09, the local VZW store f-ed me and knocked me from the Primary line to the Secondary, thus throwing away my $100 NE2 credit for a new phone.
When my Razr crapped out in June '08, I went in and got the BBPearl for free with my then NE2 credit of $100, so my new 2yr now runs out 5/31/10. I was the Primary line, no problem. Then last January, my then fiancee and I decided to combine our Individual plans to the Family plan. Still, I was the Primary line. But then in July '09, my wife's Razr finally gave in and she got the LG Env. THIS is when the local store f-ed up and for some weird reason made her line the Primary and bumped me to Secondary. Our monthly bill has been the same dollar amount for months, so I never thought of looking at the bill.
Until this past weekend, I called up VZW about the pre-order for the Incredible and they said that while my 20months is up and I could get it for $199 for 2-yr. I thought, hmm, that's odd, my 2-yr is up 5/31/10, which the rep said it is, but being the Secondary line, you were eligible for a new phone since January. Noooooooooo!!!
I stopped by the same store on the way home from work today and told my story to one of the salespersons who re-iterated to the store mngr, who just shrugged and said 'Uh, NO', when she asked if they can re-instate my NE2 for $100 expiring on 5/31/10.
Is there really nothing I can do? I know a lot of time has passed, but I'm sorry, the store f-ed up and I should still be in my NE2 for $100 credit. AND they should move me up to the 29th so I can get the Incredible on first day!!! hahaha... Now that would make things right.. Get the phone for $99 with the credit and get it first day
Anyone have any problem like this and/or any information on what I can do? Or do I just have to forgetaboutit?
Uhhh, what a mess that I just discovered. I've been looking to get the Incredible ever since it was mentioned a couple months ago and discovered that last July '09, the local VZW store f-ed me and knocked me from the Primary line to the Secondary, thus throwing away my $100 NE2 credit for a new phone.
When my Razr crapped out in June '08, I went in and got the BBPearl for free with my then NE2 credit of $100, so my new 2yr now runs out 5/31/10. I was the Primary line, no problem. Then last January, my then fiancee and I decided to combine our Individual plans to the Family plan. Still, I was the Primary line. But then in July '09, my wife's Razr finally gave in and she got the LG Env. THIS is when the local store f-ed up and for some weird reason made her line the Primary and bumped me to Secondary. Our monthly bill has been the same dollar amount for months, so I never thought of looking at the bill.
Until this past weekend, I called up VZW about the pre-order for the Incredible and they said that while my 20months is up and I could get it for $199 for 2-yr. I thought, hmm, that's odd, my 2-yr is up 5/31/10, which the rep said it is, but being the Secondary line, you were eligible for a new phone since January. Noooooooooo!!!
I stopped by the same store on the way home from work today and told my story to one of the salespersons who re-iterated to the store mngr, who just shrugged and said 'Uh, NO', when she asked if they can re-instate my NE2 for $100 expiring on 5/31/10.
Is there really nothing I can do? I know a lot of time has passed, but I'm sorry, the store f-ed up and I should still be in my NE2 for $100 credit. AND they should move me up to the 29th so I can get the Incredible on first day!!! hahaha... Now that would make things right.. Get the phone for $99 with the credit and get it first day
Anyone have any problem like this and/or any information on what I can do? Or do I just have to forgetaboutit?
