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Root Is your Valiant unlock code the same as his?

I can't get dc to find my phone to pull the code.

I read elsewhere to email Huawei for it.

So that made me wonder...

the topic.

Good try, but no. The Unlock code for your device is determined by an algorithm containing your serial number, IMEI, and model number. If given enough unlock codes for the same device and a supercomputer for 3-5 days, it would be possible to reverse that algorithm. It would, however, be very, EXTREMELY difficult.
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I got a code....

is there a way to unlock on device through terminal?

What happens if its the wrong code???? :thinking:

Assuming you are running Ubuntu (or a derivative thereof), you can do the following. In a terminal type

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools

Hit enter, then type
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot

Once that installs, you can simply type
sudo fastboot oem unlock {CODE}

And your device is now unlocked.

On Windows, you need to download the Android SDK from https://developer.android.com/sdk, then open the SDK manager, install platform-tools, navigate to your platform-tools directory, and then enter
fastboot oem unlock {CODE}
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Thank you! You answer to three other questions I was about to ask with that one response seems like you guys over here making a habit of it. Now any word on what happens if I try the wrong unlock codes? I was able to get a code from India website for free. Without knowing if it can hurt my device by being the wrong number, I'm still a little weary of trying.

Looks like I'm going to be removing my Vista installation and replacing it with Ubuntu, I guess. This install has been having issues anyways.

Is there any pitfalls I should be aware of, since as-is I don't have PC access?

So far it seems like once I'm unlocked and still rooted I can keep going...

Gotta move SU somewhere, right?
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Assuming you are running Ubuntu (or a derivative thereof), you can do the following. In a terminal type

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools

Hit enter, then type
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot

Once that installs, you can simply type
sudo fastboot oem unlock {CODE}

And your device is now unlocked.

On Windows, you need to download the Android SDK from https://developer.android.com/sdk, then open the SDK manager, install platform-tools, navigate to your platform-tools directory, and then enter
fastboot oem unlock {CODE}

Well, this doesn't work. Using Ubuntu 13.
Followed to the letter, no OEM option in fastboot.

Making system image as per your instructions above.

Away from linux ATM, but think I found typo. think i missed "-fastboot" on apt-get line... but got no error...?
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It won't work for me! I cannot so a thing....I can get into recovery, and have managed to get fastboot to recognize my device once-and I exited out because I was frustrated. MISTAKE!

I can't load any .zips from the SD card-It returns with the same message everytime-Installation aborted right after it "attempts" to format cache.

fastboot oem unlock XXXXXXXX returns with:
FAILED-Invalid command <error unknown> or something

I can't seem to do anything...I've searched the internets for days trying to unbrick this device...I can't fastboot anything!
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[FONT=&quot]To anyone who thinks emailing Huawei doesn't work, here's my emails between myself and Huawei.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]It took almost a week for a response, but once the conversation was opened, getting my code was really easy.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Once unlocked, you get a screen on your device showing an Android being repaired and yellow text stating the cache and then data partitions are being formatted.

[FONT=&quot]Then you go through the new device wizard all over again.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]just fyi



[FONT=&quot]Dear Customer,
Thank you for supporting Huawei device. [/FONT]

Your unlock code : 8##########...2 ,please keeping your unlock code properly. Thank you! [/FONT]

Huawei Terminal Company limited [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
&#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2014&#24180;2&#26376;12&#26085; 9:34
&#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: Mobile
&#20027;&#39064;: Re: &#31572;&#22797;: unlock code needed

It isn't an option on that page.
On Feb 11, 2014 8:26 PM, "Mobile" <mobile@huawei.com> wrote:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Huawei device.
Please apply the unlock code in our website Unlock Bootloader - Huawei Device Co., Ltd.. .
Once again thank you for contacting Huawei device.
Best Regards.
Huawei Device Customer Care Team.
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
&#21457;&#20214;&#20154;: .com]
&#21457;&#36865;&#26102;&#38388;: 2014&#24180;2&#26376;9&#26085; 6:41
&#25910;&#20214;&#20154;: mobile@huawei.com
&#20027;&#39064;: unlock code needed





Thank you
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